Argus Cuts Regeneron Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:REGN) Price Target to $470.00

Hm Payson & Company who had been investing in Pepsico Inc for a number of months, seems to be less bullish one the $170.90 billion market cap company. The stock increased 0.51% or $1.88 during the last trading session, reaching $373.41. Suntrust Banks Inc. now owns 3,194 shares of the biopharmaceutical company's stock valued at $1,568,000 after purchasing an additional 59 shares during the period. Methanex Corporation (TSE:MX) has 0.00% since January 23, 2017 and is. It has underperformed by 24.96% the S&P500.

Lmr Partners Llp decreased its stake in Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc (REGN) by 79.23% based on its latest 2017Q3 regulatory filing with the SEC. The Mondrian Investment Partners Ltd holds 94,932 shares with $3.69M value, down from 104,124 last quarter. The stock increased 0.07% or $0.25 during the last trading session, reaching $371.53. About 396,786 shares traded.

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:REGN) had its target price reduced by Argus from $540.00 to $470.00 in a research note issued on Thursday, December 28th. It has outperformed by 0.70% the S&P500.

Since August 7, 2017, it had 2 insider buys, and 8 sales for $78.43 million activity.

Among 31 analysts covering Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ:PEP) was sold by Laguarta Ramon.

(NASDAQ:QCOM) Position Lifted by Keystone Financial Planning Inc
It worsened, as 83 investors sold QCOM shares while 490 reduced holdings. 89 funds opened positions while 397 raised stakes. Epoch Investment Partners Inc increased Wen Hldg Inc stake by 151,237 shares to 1.02M valued at $36.08 million in 2017Q3.

Ratel Gold Ltd (RTLGF) Shares Moving -4.50% On Volume
Baird set a $21.00 price target on EnLink Midstream and gave the stock a "hold" rating in a report on Friday, November 17th. Credit Suisse Group assumed coverage on shares of EnLink Midstream Partners in a research report on Friday, January 5th.

'Mudbound''s Female Cinematographer Rachel Morrison Makes Oscar History
Mudbound's Rachel Morrison also made history as the first female cinematographer to be nominated in the awards show's history . Tiffany Haddish and Andy Serkis will join John Bailey, president of the film academy, to announce the nominees.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.1 in 2017 Q3. Its down 0.19, from 1.56 in 2017Q2. It increased, as 18 investors sold PLXS shares while 62 reduced holdings. 106 funds opened positions while 593 raised stakes. Alphamark Advsr Lc holds 43 shares. State Of Alaska Department Of Revenue holds 0.03% or 1,260 shares in its portfolio. Baystate Wealth Ltd Liability Corporation reported 0.01% stake. (NASDAQ:PEP) for 4,175 shares. Stillwater Inv Ltd Com reported 34,196 shares. Fred Alger Mngmt Incorporated has 4,000 shares. Amalgamated Bank & Trust stated it has 0.13% of its portfolio in Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Hilltop Holding Inc reported 9,944 shares stake. Aqr Lc, a Connecticut-based fund reported 48,201 shares. Mathes reported 0.2% of its portfolio in Freeport-McMoRan Inc. People s United Financial Inc. now owns 454 shares of the biopharmaceutical company's stock valued at $223,000 after purchasing an additional 394 shares in the last quarter. Hgk Asset Inc reported 0.18% of its portfolio in Pepsico, Inc. (NASDAQ:FLIR) for 525 shares. Two equities research analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, fifteen have given a hold rating, eleven have given a buy rating and one has issued a strong buy rating to the stock. Therefore 40% are positive. Barrick Gold Corp. had 81 analyst reports since August 6, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. Keefe Bruyette & Woods maintained the stock with "Hold" rating in Friday, October 13 report. The firm has "Hold" rating by BMO Capital Markets given on Sunday, October 1. Credit Suisse initiated it with "Outperform" rating and $121 target in Friday, September 16 report. Sands Capital Management Llc sold 154,049 shares as the company's stock rose 21.24% with the market. Jefferies maintained Pepsico, Inc. (NASDAQ:REGN), 13 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 17 Hold. The stock of FLIR Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:PLXS) has "Buy" rating given on Monday, August 28 by J.P. Morgan. Sterne Agee CRT downgraded Pepsico, Inc. (NASDAQ:REGN) rating on Tuesday, June 20. (NASDAQ:REGN) earned "Buy" rating by BTIG Research on Friday, December 16. The stock of Methanex Corporation (TSE:MX) earned "Sector Perform" rating by Scotia Capital on Tuesday, January 24.

Lagoda Investment Management Lp, which manages about $725.00 million and $276.68 million US Long portfolio, decreased its stake in Intrexon Corp (NYSE:XON) by 31,125 shares to 180,007 shares, valued at $3.42 million in 2017Q3, according to the filing. It also increased its holding in Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc (NYSE:CMG) by 842,686 shares in the quarter, for a total of 2.11 million shares, and has risen its stake in Makemytrip Limited Mauritius (NASDAQ:MMYT).

Analysts await FLIR Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:REGN) to report earnings on February, 8. They expect $1.30 earnings per share, up 8.33% or $0.10 from last year's $1.2 per share. After $1.48 actual earnings per share reported by Pepsico, Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -12.16% negative EPS growth. 56,213 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:REGN), 13 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 17 Hold. Therefore 42% are positive. Plexus had 27 analyst reports since August 3, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. (NYSE:ABX), 8 have Buy rating, 1 Sell and 15 Hold. The rating was maintained by Barclays Capital on Monday, May 2 with "Equal Weight". The company was downgraded on Tuesday, October 10 by JP Morgan. The company was initiated on Tuesday, March 15 by Gabelli. The firm has "Add" rating given on Wednesday, November 18 by Numis Securities. Leerink Swann maintained it with "Outperform" rating and $523 target in Monday, April 4 report. The firm has a market capitalization of $39,920.00, a price-to-earnings ratio of 33.74, a P/E/G ratio of 1.43 and a beta of 1.52. The company was maintained on Friday, July 14 by Jefferies. As per Thursday, June 22, the company rating was maintained by RBC Capital Markets. Baillie Gifford And owns 5,500 shares.

Investors sentiment decreased to 1.17 in 2017 Q3. Its up 0.10, from 1 in 2017Q2. It dived, as 56 investors sold REGN shares while 165 reduced holdings. Regeneron Pharmaceuticals has an average rating of "Hold" and an average target price of $471.11. (NASDAQ:REGN). 750 were accumulated by Money Mngmt Limited Co. The Illinois-based Fortaleza Asset Management has invested 1.01% in Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:REGN) for 3,009 shares. Moreover, Advisory Services Network Limited Company has 0.01% invested in Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:REGN) for 5,196 shares. Daily Journal stated it has 140,000 shares or 4.86% of all its holdings. Employees Retirement Sys Of Texas reported 0.08% stake. Finally, Principal Financial Group Inc. increased its position in Regeneron Pharmaceuticals by 2.4% during the 2nd quarter. (NASDAQ:REGN) for 23,411 shares.

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