Budget 2018: Tax relief for salaried may be in offing

Budget 2018: Prudence or populism?

Budget 2018: Prudence or populism?

The fifth budget to be presented by finance minister Arun Jaitley will be the last budget of the Modi government.

The survey also highlighted the challenges faced by India's huge rural population and said farmlands that are not irrigated are experiencing the adverse impact of climate change - extreme temperatures and rainfall deficiencies.

Jaitley will primarily be concerned with the announcement of schemes and proposed outlays for each of them. "There will be a tax saving of Rs 2,500 for every individual".

Jaitley will, however, be using too many technical words and phrases that one needs to understand in order decode Budget 2018.

A separate Budget for Railways has been presented to Parliament since 1924 even though neither the Constitution nor legal requirements call for a separate Budget. It comprises loans raised and recoveries of loans. The decision to privatise IDBI Bank and allow 49 per cent foreign shareholding in Air India are bold moves that give a loud message: Modinomics means business. It also includes inland bills and foreign bills purchased and discounted. The government is likely to allocate money for the hike in the budget.

The dictionary meaning of budget is a systematic plan for the expenditure of a usually fixed resource during a given period.

In the latest economic survey released this week, Indian policymakers said they need to manage the risks to the country's macroeconomic stability and push for more growth.

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After a narrow victory in the Gujarat elections, which was partially attributed to a loss in the rural vote share, the government will want to raise it's rural spending amongst other things, but it has a fiscal deficit target to consider as well.

If receipts are more than the expenditure on current account in balance of payments during the fiscal year under consideration, the situation is called Current Account Surplus. To compensate for the consequent revenue loss, the government is widely anticipated to either re-introduce long term capital gains tax on listed securities or tweak the holding period that qualifies as long-term. In an interview to Times Now before his visit to the World Economic Forum in Davos last week, Modi had said his timetable depended on working for the common man, and not on the schedule for elections, when asked if he was under political pressure to announce a populist budget in anticipation of the 2019 elections.

Income tax is the tax levied on individual income from various sources like salaries, investments, interest etc.

DBS Bank's Rao, however, said she was skeptical about any forthcoming income tax concessions on the back of a major indirect tax overhaul.

It is the amount of annual income that is exempt from income tax. Post-demonetisation, 56 lakh new tax payers were added past year, with the total number of assesses in July at 6.26 crore and counting.

Urging the finance minister to announce a price regulatory commission, Upkar Singh Ahuja of Chamber of Industrial & Commercial Undertakings (CICU) said steel export is increasing but the export of steel-made product is not increasing due to uneven rise of prices in the last couple of months. Income tax, corporate tax, inheritance tax are some examples of direct taxation.

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