Congress votes to end USA shutdown, Trump signs bill

Republican and Democrat senators have struck a deal to end a US government shutdown

Republican and Democrat senators have struck a deal to end a US government shutdown

"In a few hours, the government will reopen", Senate Minority Leader Sen. In exchange for Democratic votes on a three-week spending measure, the GOP leadership in the Senate would agree to address immigration policy and other pressing legislative matters in the coming weeks.

But Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said on the Senate floor on Sunday that "we have yet to reach an agreement" on reopening the government and immigration, CNN reported.

Possible Democratic 2020 presidential candidates in the Senate - Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris - all voted against Monday's bill. 'They could have easily made a deal but chose to play Shutdown politics instead'. The proposal funds the government until February 8, 2018.

Schumer, however, argued that blame for the weekend-long stalemate lay at the president's feet. They agreed with everything that was in this C.R. The president stayed firm.

"Republicans have never been willing to start a debate and this is an important agreement", he said. Separately, President Trump turned away from not one, but two bipartisan compromises.

Negotiations continue in the Senate today to resolve the government shutdown. While he declared "I'll take the heat" less than two weeks ago during a bipartisan meeting on immigration, Trump was all but absent when that heat actually came.

"We will make a long-term deal on immigration if, and only if, it is good for our country". The president and Republican conservatives have demanded than any immigration deal include funding for Trump's signature border wall and changes in immigration laws to end visa preferences for family members of US citizens, which Trump disparages as "chain migration".

Immigrant advocates and liberals were frustrated in December when Democrats supported the last short-term spending bill with nothing in return for the dreamers. Time Kaine of the McConnell's promise. "We have to acknowledge a respect for the minority", Sen.

The Senate's "Gang of Eight" that crafted the bill - a group that included Republicans Marco Rubio of Florida, Lindsey Graham of SC and Arizona's Jeff Flake and John McCain - is still hated by many conservatives, many of Trump's most passionate supporters among them.

Democrats were trying to frame the deal as a temporary victory, though.

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While some Democrats and progressive groups said that Schumer "caved", more moderate lawmakers expressed optimism that McConnell would keep his promise to bring a bill to the floor.

Even if the potential bill passes, it could face significant hurdles in the House.

"What you have is pretty much an ironclad commitment that if we don't resolve this - and that's what we're going to try to do with the Graham bill - resolve the DACA issue by February 8, the commitment is you go to the floor with a neutral bill, like a shell, and you let the Senate process work", Nelson said. Mr Trump himself may not know. Tom Cotton (R-AR). President Trump is fighting for all Americans first.

"As I have always said, once the government is funded, my administration will work toward solving the problem of very unfair illegal immigration".

The longer the shutdown went on, the more problematic it would become for those Democrats. "What the president did clearly worked", Sanders countered. "It wasn't enough to get my vote but I understand why people are hopeful that this will eventually result in a DREAM Act passing the Senate and moving to the House". Lawmakers took the proposal to their leaders Sunday afternoon.

Several of the senators in the bipartisan group said they anxious a prolonged shutdown could become harder to fix and would cause greater damage to the country. Bob Casey, one of several Democrats up for re-election this fall in states Trump won in 2016. "One of the things we learned from the last shutdown was that as time goes on, positions harden", Heitkamp said.

Later Monday, on the House floor, he struck a more conciliatory note: "We need to move forward in good faith", he said, citing the need for action on immigration. Among the 18 no votes was nearly every Democrat thought to have presidential aspirations in 2020-including Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Chris Murphy, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren-as well as a few others, such as Dianne Feinstein, anxious about a primary challenge.

The White House answerphone message over the weekend blamed Democrats for the shutdown, saying: "Unfortunately, we can not answer your call today, because Congressional Democrats are holding government funding - including funding for our troops and other national security priorities - hostage to an unrelated immigration debate".

The House still has to vote on the new legislation.

House Speaker Paul Ryan underscored those differences as Senate leaders negotiated.

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