Gov. Greitens' budget proposal means more cuts to Missouri Colleges and Universities

Palmer and Silvey

Palmer and Silvey

"We can not continue to balance the budget on the backs of students; they are the future workers and job creators Missouri desperately needs to cultivate", Columbia Republican Sen.

"The budget we're introducing today is a common-sense, conservative budget".

"We're not raising taxes on the people of Missouri", he said.

Dr. John Jungmann, superintendent of Springfield Public Schools, was more hopeful, since the governor proposes an increase in funding for public schools. That's a $50 million increase, but it would still fall about $48 million short of what's considered full funding under state law, because it doesn't include all the additional money called for in preschool education programs, said state budget director Dan Haug. "We're able to afford those investments by making tough choices, protecting every taxpayer dollar, and eliminating wasteful spending".

- $25 million for a Jobs and Infrastructure fund to pay for key infrastructure projects that will attract jobs.

Senate Dems relent, vote to end shutdown; House to follow
In an impassioned closed-door meeting, Schumer told his members that McConnell's pledge was the best deal they were going to get. Trump, who regularly disrupted negotiations in recent weeks, had been a relatively subdued player in the weekend debate.

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Russian speed skater Ahn not eligible for Olympics in February - RIA
But it said that some Russians would be allowed to compete as neutral athletes provided they meet certain guidelines on doping. Nevertheless, their names have not been added to the list of potential Games participants to date", Pozdnyakov said.

After news of the affair broke this month, an attorney for the ex-husband said his client told him that Greitens had slapped the woman, and St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner said she was opening a criminal investigation into the various claims about Greitens' actions.

"You're basically taking money away from our at-risk, vulnerable kids", said Linda Rallo, vice president of AlignED, a nonprofit education advocacy group of Missouri and Kansas business leaders that previously was known as the Alliance for Childhood Education.

Although he denies allegations of blackmail, Gov. Greitens declined several times to answer whether or not a photo was taken. The unidentified woman did not know her then-husband was recording their conversation when she confessed to him. There was no violence. There was no photograph for blackmail.

"Mark, there was not blackmail, there was no photograph for a threat of blackmail, there was no threat of violence, there was no violence". "The mistake that I made was that I was engaged in a consensual relationship with a woman who was not my wife. That is a mistake for which I am very sorry", he said. "For Sheena and I that is where the story begins and ends".

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