Government shutdown enters day 3

The Sun cover with Homer Simpson and Donald Trump cartoon

The Sun cover with Homer Simpson and Donald Trump cartoon

US President Donald Trump reiterated his Sunday threat to use the "nuclear option", urging Republicans to "go 51 percent" and vote on a "real, long-term budget" if the stalemate continues.

Republicans needed 60 votes to unlock the funds, but with only 51 of the 100 Senate seats they were reliant on Democrats to get the vote through.

By the time of the vote just after noon on Monday, the moderate Democrats were predicting the vote would pass.

But before those immigration talks can resume in earnest, Republicans were still spitting mad about what they felt was a political stunt by Democrats, in shutting down the government for three days.

The government shutdown officially started at midnight last Friday for the first time since 2013.

He also accused Democrats of "turning down services and security for citizens in favor of services and security for non-citizens".

Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., said Democrats got enough to satisfy them moving forward.

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They added that Trudeau's principal secretary, Gerald Butts, met with Japan's ambassador last week to discuss the deal. But she re-iterated that the president "is going to make sure he gets the best deal for America and American workers".

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However, President Donald Trump, who said Obama didn't have the legal authority to create DACA, announced the program will end on March 5 if Congress doesn't pass a bill codifying the program into law. The pledge, according to Schumer, is that if no immigration deal is reached between the two parties by the February 8 deadline, the Senate will "immediately proceed to consideration of legislation dealing with DACA".

Senate Democrats have so far not agreed to support a bill that makes no concessions on immigration.

Essential federal services and military activity are continuing, but even active-duty troops will not be paid until a deal is reached to reopen the United States government. Republicans, who have a slim 51-49 Senate majority, said they would not negotiate on immigration until the government was reopened.

But on Monday morning, the first official day of government employee furloughs, McConnell said he intends to bring DACA and other immigration issues up for debate before February 8. 58 percent of voters responded with "oppose".

There was plenty of finger-pointing over who was to blame for the impasse.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, a Democrat from NY, speaks during a news conference on Saturday after U.S. President Donald Trump and the U.S. Congress failed to reach a deal on funding for federal agencies. The bill also extends the expired Children's Health Insurance Program for six years.

"President Trump is right: Build the wall". Hundreds of thousands of federal employees were furloughed and didn't come to work on Monday, mourning military families did not get paid, and federal contractors may see their payments delayed.

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