Putin takes dip in icy Russian lake on Epiphany

Shirtless Vladimir Putin plunges into subzero lake to cleanse his sins

Shirtless Vladimir Putin plunges into subzero lake to cleanse his sins

Russian President Vladimir Putin and many Orthodox pilgrims braved a bitter winter snap overnight to take the annual plunge into icy water in a traditional ritual marking the baptism of Jesus.

Epiphany is celebrated on January 19, the day when it is believed infant Jesus was visited by the Three Wise Men.

According to Orthodox tradition, worshippers are supposed to immerse themselves three times - in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - to remember the baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin bathes in ice-cold water on Epiphany neat St. Nilus Stolobensky Monastery on Lake Seliger in Svetlitsa village, Russia, Friday, Jan. 19, 2018. The weather for this year's Epiphany was milder than usual, with the temperature near Lake Seliger standing at about six or seven degrees Celsius below zero (19 Fahrenheit).

This year, Metropolitan Iosif of Kurgan and Belozersky cautioned the faithful not to perform the ritual, as it had only become popular due to media coverage and was not sanctioned by the Church. The annual baptism is a long-running staple of the Orthodox Church, with believers across Russian Federation taking the midwinter dip.

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