Senate Dems relent, vote to end shutdown; House to follow

Senate Democrats joined in approving a Republican leadership plan to provide funding for government agencies through February 8 - with a promise from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to work toward a bipartisan compromise on immigration, border security, and a broader budget outline before that new deadline. He told Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., over cheeseburgers Friday that they should keep the government open through Tuesday, while striking a larger agreement that would take care of the almost 690,000 young undocumented immigrants facing possible deportation and also building a wall, raising defense spending and appropriating federal disaster dollars, according to people familiar with their meeting. On CBS News' "Face the Nation", House Speaker Paul Ryan said the lower chamber has agreed to accept a short-term deal that would fund the government through February 8 if the Senate is able to pass such a bill.

The programme - which shields more than 700,000 immigrants who entered the USA illegally as children - is scheduled to end in March, following an order from President Trump past year.

Top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer earlier announced his party would vote with Republicans to end the shutdown, but in a sign of the poisoned politics of Washington he pilloried Trump in the process. The government has been operating since October 1 under a series of short-term budget bills because Congress has been able to agree on a year-long spending package.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., who backed Monday's agreement during a speech on the chamber's floor, was criticized for his handling of the negotiations.

Trump was expected to sign the legislation, which would give Congress more time to try to reach agreement on a long-term spending bill that would resolve issues including immigration, border security and spending caps. In exchange, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., promised to hold votes on legislation to grant legal status to those protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA), roughly 700,000 immigrants who are in the country illegally after being brought here as children.

Several of the senators in the bipartisan group said they anxious a prolonged shutdown could become harder to fix and cause greater damage to the country.

Schumer accused Trump of failing to help reach a deal.

Republicans have appeared increasingly confident that Democrats were bearing the brunt of criticism for the shutdown and that they would ultimately buckle. Kamala Harris of California, denounced the deal, arguing that Democrats couldn't trust Republican leaders to fulfill their promises on immigration, the issue at the heart of the disagreement between the parties.

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Russian speed skater Ahn not eligible for Olympics in February - RIA
But it said that some Russians would be allowed to compete as neutral athletes provided they meet certain guidelines on doping. Nevertheless, their names have not been added to the list of potential Games participants to date", Pozdnyakov said.

President Donald Trump says he is pleased that congressional Democrats "have come to their senses" and abandoned their filibuster that shut down the federal government.

Trump quickly moved to undercut Democrats, saying he would only accept a comprehensive immigration reform - one that notably addresses his demands for a border wall with Mexico as well as the fate of the "Dreamers. They don't want to do it but are powerless!"

Both of Pennsylvania's USA senators voted in support of ending a brief federal government shutdown on Monday.

Trump, who regularly disrupted negotiations in recent weeks, had been a relatively subdued player in the weekend debate.

Republicans agreed to address the immigration issue separate from the CR, though some Democratic activists weren't so sure."This is a bad, outrageous deal".

"Big win for Republicans as Democrats cave on Shutdown", Trump tweeted, after he kept a low profile during the weekend.

In an impassioned closed-door meeting, Schumer told his members that McConnell's pledge was the best deal they were going to get. Critical government functions continued, with uniformed service members, health inspectors and law enforcement officers set to work without pay. The White House said he was in regular contact with Republican leaders, but he has not reached out to any Democrats, a White House official said.

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