Tillerson says Russian Federation 'bears responsibility' for Syria chemical weapons attacks

A man is seen at a medical center in Douma Eastern Ghouta in Damascus Syria

A man is seen at a medical center in Douma Eastern Ghouta in Damascus Syria

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Tuesday denounced the recent suspected chemical attack in Syria and said "Russia ultimately bears responsibility" for the victims because it has enabled President Bashar Assad.

"Whoever conducted the attacks Russian Federation ultimately bears responsibility for the victims in eastern Ghouta and countless other Syrians targeted with chemical weapons since Russian Federation became involved in Syria, " he stated.

More than 20 civilians - most of whom were children - were hit by the attack on a rebel enclave, the Secretary of State said.

"The recent attacks in East Ghouta raise serious concerns that Bashar al-Assad's Syrian regime may be continuing its use of chemical weapons against its own people", he said.

Moreover, the top U.S. diplomat directly accused Russian Federation of any chemical weapons-related incidents, regardless of who is actually responsible. Russian Federation has long supported Mr Assad, even after a similar, suspected chemical weapons attack past year. Tillerson said Tuesday there is evidence the regime continues to hold chemical weapons.

Reports emerged that 20 people were victims of an apparent chlorine gas attack on Monday.

France Tuesday imposed sanctions on 24 people and entities it says are responsible for the use of chemical weapons in Syria. The President blamed Mr Assad for the chemical attack at the time.

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Still, the U.S. is hoping it can persuade the Russian government - Syrian's most important ally - EXTRA SPACE to bring the long-beleaguered but still-determined Assad to the negotiating table.

"Let's be clear: Russia's unwillingness or inability to restrain the Assad regime is costing innocent Syrian lives", State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert tweeted Monday.

In January, Tillerson signalled an open-ended USA military presence in Syria as part of a broader strategy to prevent Islamic State's resurgence and pave the way for the eventual departure of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

In November, Russia vetoed the renewal of a United Nations body that had investigated chemical use in Syria. If it could not do that, Mr Tillerson said, it should abstain. The Syrian government has denied using chemical weapons.

His comments came as diplomats from 29 countries met in Paris to push for sanctions and criminal charges against the perpetrators of chemical attacks in Syria. The group is expected to put pressure on both Syria and Russian Federation.

"The facts are known and documented", French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said.

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