Trump Signs Bill Ending Government Shutdown After 3 Days

Lawmakers are set to return to Capitol Hill on Monday in hopes of hashing out a deal

Lawmakers are set to return to Capitol Hill on Monday in hopes of hashing out a deal

Senate Democrats reluctantly voted in favor of the bill, relenting in return for Republican assurances that the Senate will soon take up the plight of young immigrant "dreamers" and other contentious issues.

Enactment by Trump of the bill allowed the government to reopen fully on Tuesday and keep the lights on through February 8, when the Republican-led Congress will have to revisit budget and immigration policy - two disparate issues that have become closely linked. The agreement was contingent on a promise from the GOP that Congress would revisit the immigration issue-specifically the fate of young undocumented immigrants, or "Dreamers", formerly protected under DACA-in the next few weeks.

He did not reach out to Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer or any other Democrat, instead calling fellow Republicans and Cabinet members to check on the response to the shutdown.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Democrats agreed to back the bill reopening government after he and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell agreed to begin debating an immigration bill by February 8.

The House approved the funding bill by a vote of 266-150 just hours after it passed the Senate by a vote of 81-18.

On Monday, Trump met separately at the White House with Republican senators who have taken a harder line on immigration and with moderate Democratic Senators Joe Manchin and Doug Jones.

Social media companies have been under fire for being exploited in what USA intelligence agencies say was a concerted attempt by Russian Federation to influence the 2016 campaign, an effort that's now the subject of congressional and criminal investigations.

McConnell hoped to set a vote for Sunday night which Schumer opposed in a bid to keep negotiating
McConnell hoped to set a vote for Sunday night which Schumer opposed in a bid to keep negotiating

White House spokesperson Sarah Sanders said the Trump administration would "make a long-term deal on immigration, if and only if it is good for the country".

The White House said it is ready to negotiate with the Democrats even if there is differences between the two.

The House will need to vote on the funding measure for it to go to President Donald Trump to sign.

"I am pleased Democrats in Congress have come to their senses and are now willing to fund our great military, border patrol, first responders and insurance for vulnerable children", said Trump, in a statement read by Sanders at Monday's White House press briefing. Senator Ben Cardin says he's hoping upcoming spending bills include immigration reform. Among the Democrats in opposition were a number of senators rumored to be interested in a 2020 presidential run, including Sens. A 2013 immigration bill received bipartisan support in the Senate but never made it to the floor of the House.

"The Democrats are turning down services and security for citizens in favor of services and security for noncitizens". Democrats are acting at the behest of their "far left base" in advocating for "dreamers", he argued Monday morning. Social Security and most other safety-net programs were unaffected by the lapse in federal spending authority.

The deadlock saw hundreds of thousands of federal employees off work without pay, and national landmarks including the Statue of Liberty closed to the public.

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