Trump's voter commission asked for names of all Hispanic voters in Texas

Report: Trump's Voting Panel Bought Texas Data Flagging Hispanics

Report: Trump's Voting Panel Bought Texas Data Flagging Hispanics

President Donald Trump's defunct voter fraud commission requested that the state of Texas identify voters with Hispanic surnames when providing voter data to the commission.

"Despite substantial evidence of voter fraud, many states have refused to provide the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity with basic information relevant to its inquiry", the White House said in a statement on January 3.

The commission, which paid Texas officials roughy $3,500 in late September for almost 50 million records, promised to erase all the voter data it had amassed. But an anonymous White House official said that the committee "asked to identify Hispanic surnames to resolve data discrepancies or confusion caused by the traditional Spanish naming convention that uses the surnames of both parents", according to the Post.

Citing newly released documents showing notarized forms, the Post reported that Ronald Williams II of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity checked a box on two Texas voter data forms asking that "Hispanic surname flag notation" be included, the Post reports. The records were to indicate which voters were active, which had canceled registrations, which had an outdated or incorrect address on file, which had voted in the past six general elections from 2006 through 2016 and which had Hispanic surnames.

The president created the voting commission to investigate voter fraud, a move that came after he made the baseless claim that millions of illegal votes had been cast against him in the 2016 election, costing him the popular vote.

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Flagging Hispanic voters specifically "gives room for no small amount of alarm in the very possibility that an American citizen could be suspected of voter misconduct based on their ethnicity", Maine Secretary of State Matt Dunlap said. Texas itself has kept a running list of voters with Hispanic last names for decades, to know who may need bilingual voting documents mailed to them.

"Mr. Williams did not ask any member of the commission whether he should check that box or not, so it certainly wasn't a committee decision", Kansas Secretary of State Kris W. Kobach, the now-disbanded commission's vice chairman said in an interview with the Post on Friday.

He said he didn't know "what sort of data analysis you would do even remotely relevant to it" and that only requesting such data for one state would render it "useless". "It just doesn't make any sense".

The unnamed official added: "There was never a request made to flag people based on their ethnicity". "That was never asked for, nor is that what this [Texas] response is saying, though I can see why some could read it that way".

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