Twitter Responds to Calls to Suspend Trump

Trump is here to stay

Trump is here to stay

In a short blog post Friday, the company said blocking a world leader would undermine its role as a service advancing what it called a "public conversation".

Twitter added: 'Blocking a world leader from Twitter or removing their controversial Tweets, would hide important information people should be able to see and debate.

Washington sources have stated that White House had defended Donald Trump's tweet about the size of his nuclear button, by saying Americans should be very much concerned about the North Korean leader's mental fitness, not their president's.

In response to Trump's threat on Twitter, the company earlier said that it had reviewed the case and "found that there was no violation of the Twitter rules against abusive behaviour".

Friday's statement comes after some Twitter users have called on the company to ban President Trump for tweets that they say encourage violence, even stoking fears of a nuclear war between the USA and North Korea.

In a blog post from the site posted on Friday about world leaders, it maintained its stance that they are important because of how they shape the conversation in society.

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"It would also not silence that leader, but it would certainly hamper necessary discussion around their words and actions", it further read.

"The US should know that the button for nuclear weapons is on my desk".

Twitter insists statements by Trump and other world leaders need to be seen in the context of the existing political climate.

We review Tweets by leaders within the political context that defines them, and enforce our rules accordingly.

Though, they did say they are "working to make Twitter the best place to see and freely discuss everything that matters", so there's that. We believe that's the best way to help our society make progress.

Besides being alarmed by the prospect of nuclear war, people on Twitter went straight for the jokes after one of the president's latest tweets.

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