U.S. shutdown to end as Senate reaches deal

Win McNamee Getty Images

Win McNamee Getty Images

He did not reach out to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer or any other Democrat, instead calling fellow Republicans and Cabinet members to check on the response to the shutdown. Now, he's becoming the face of the Democratic retreat. Although they initially dug in on a demand for an immigration deal, Democrats had shifted to blaming the shutdown on the incompetence of Republicans and President Donald Trump.

Schumer also said that he had not spoken to the President Donald Trump on Saturday, despite seeking a meeting.

However, U.S. President Donald J. Trump has taken a stand along with the Republicans and voices out nearly the same message that was recorded on the White House's answering machine.

Schumer had little margin for error in this first major test of his muscle and maneuvering as leader. "That's his job as president of the United States".

Media captionWhite House and Chuck Schumer trade barbs over shutdown Did Democrats "cave"?

"The question is, how do we get out of here in a way that reflects what the majority of the body wants to do", said Sen.

"We voted against the House Republican Continuing Resolution on Friday night because it left unaddressed too many priorities important to Virginians".

"Shutting down the government is an irresponsible way to do business", said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who said the "manufactured crisis" was a waste of time.

McConnell has said he intends to introduce a DACA bill if the government stays open and lawmakers can't make an agreement on the immigration program.

. After two days of bickering and freezing up the US government, Democrats signed off on a spending bill not dramatically differently from the one on the table Friday. "If he does not honor our agreement, he will have breached the trust of not only the Democratic Senators but the members of his own party as well".

Dan Holler, vice president of communications and government relations at the conservative advocacy group Heritage Action for America, warns that Republicans need to be careful of what kind of immigration deal they make. "Delay means deportation for us". "Due to this obstruction, the government is shut down", declared an automated message on the White House over the weekend.

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The White House may take a more leading role on the revived immigration debate, according to the official, and hosted senators for a discussion on the topic Monday.

Immigration advocates hoped Schumer would see that as badge of honor, but there was anxiety about his resolve. The Democrat says Trump expressed support for a fix for the young immigrants in return for financing for Trump's wall along the U.S. -Mexico border - only to back off hours later. "He had the backbone to lead his caucus into a high-stakes, high risk battle".

Most concerning for the Democrats could be so many activist organizations reacting with anger.

In 2013, Schumer was part of a bipartisan group of senators who worked on a sweeping overhaul of the nation's fractured immigration laws. The House could choose to ignore whatever the Senate takes up. "Absurd shenanigans by Senate Democrats", Barletta tweeted.

"There's no point having a CR unless we have the terms of engagement on how we go forward", the California Democrat said.

Trump's shifting positions, particularly on protections for young immigrants, twice scuttled deals that could have avoided the shutdown, frustrating Republicans and Democrats alike.

And Democrats are adamant that they will not allow the bill to proceed until it deals with DACA, even though most lawmakers on both sides agree on most things in the legislation, including an extension of a children's health program and most do not want the government to remain closed. "McConnell has argued that he cannot pass deficit-reduction legislation using powerful budget procedures with his new 51-vote majority-and wasn't even sure he could find the votes for a fiscal blueprint in the first place".

Some liberals fear the sea change is over.

McConnell's commitment follows hours of behind-the-scenes talks between the leaders and rank-and-file lawmakers over how to end the two-day display of legislative dysfunction.

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