US Democrats accept compromise to end government shutdown

What Caused the Government Shutdown and What Happens Now?

What Caused the Government Shutdown and What Happens Now?

The first government shutdown of Donald Trump's presidency spanned 69 hours.

In an example of hard-line views among many Republicans on immigration, Republican Senator Ted Cruz warned after the Senate vote on Monday to end the shutdown that it would be a "serious mistake" to provide "amnesty and a path to citizenship for millions of people here illegally".

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer walks from the podium after a press conference as the Senate continues work on ending the government shutdown in the US Capitol in Washington, DC, USA, 20 January 2018.

The deal Schumer won with the GOP hinged on the pledge of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to bring a bill to the floor of the Senate dealing with DACA, illegal immigrant "Dreamers" and general immigration enforcement matters, if no deal is reached in negotiations by February 8. The Democrats seemed sensitive to being seen by voters as willing to tie up government operations to protect immigrants in the US illegally.

Hundreds of thousands of USA federal employees were forced to stay home without pay Monday after lawmakers failed to reach an agreement on ending a government shutdown before the start of the work week. It makes "dreamers", the children of illegal United States immigrants, eligible for work permits, and to be granted renewable two-year deferrals of any action on deportation.

"I am pleased that Democrats in Congress have come to their senses and are now willing to fund our great military, border patrol, first responders and insurance for vulnerable children", Trump said.

Schumer and his colleagues accused Trump of being an unreliable negotiating partner, saying the two sides came close to a deal on immigration several times, only to have Trump back out under pressure from anti-immigration conservatives.

"I'm not holding my breath" for an agreement with Trump on immigration, said Sen.

After Senate Democrats blocked a temporary government-wide funding bill Friday night, both parties engaged in furious finger-pointing.

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Republicans have dug in to pit DACA recipients against CHIP, even though they could, presumably, pass a CHIP extension as a standalone bill. It also doesn't address support for an immigration plan in the House, where opposition to extending the protections for the dreamers is far stronger.

But, Binder said, Democrats did get a little bit of leverage and the promise of an up-or-down Senate vote on legislation to protect the "DREAMers", young immigrants brought to the USA illegally as children.

DREAMer legislation has bipartisan support, but Republicans thought the issue should be part of a broader immigration bill rather than a bill to fund the government.

The White House said, work it out with Republican leaders on the Hill.

President Donald Trump on Monday accused Democrats of prioritizing services and security for noncitizens over US citizens. And Republican leaders, bruised by past experience with a president who has rarely offered them consistent cover on a politically challenging issue, are loath to guess at his intentions.

Democrats condemned the spot, and Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan told "Face the Nation", "I don't know if that's necessarily productive".

Now, there is going to be a vote on DACA.

"I don't see any of our people interested in some half-baked idea that's produced by a self-appointed group of senators", congressman Tom Cole said according to Roll Call.

In agreeing on Monday to end a three-day US government shutdown, Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer had to make a tough decision to bridge a divide within his own party over immigration, an issue on which Americans are deeply conflicted, according to new Reuters/Ipsos polling data. "One of the things we learned from the last shutdown was that as time goes on, positions harden", Heitkamp said. Getting a bill through the Senate requires 60 votes and therefore some Democratic buy-in, because there are 51 Republicans in the Senate - but five Republicans voted against the House bill as well.

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