White House Callers Upset Over 'Unbelievable' Government Shutdown Voicemail Message

Did the White House Change Outgoing Message on Comment Line to Blame Democrats?

Did the White House Change Outgoing Message on Comment Line to Blame Democrats?

As the U.S. federal government shutdown enters its second day on Sunday, Republicans and Democrats remain at an impasse on striking a deal to fund the government.

Following an unsuccessful vote to extend government funding for a month, Democrats and Republicans have vehemently blamed the other side for causing the shutdown.

White House deputy press secretary Raj Shah said Monday that Democrats "blinked" in the negotiations process.

Callers to the White House have shared the recording on social media, along with their opinions about it.

"My god... where does the childishness end?" one Twitter user wrote.

The current bill contains no resolution to the immigration policy known as the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), so those immigrants are no longer officially protected after Trump rescinded Obama's policy that protected them from deportation. Of course, the pre-programmed message wouldn't do for President Trump's administration, so they recorded their own. However, it does not apply to the president and vice-president.

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Man Utd, Arsenal complete Sanchez-Mkhitaryan swap deal
Although Mkhitaryan is moving to London in a switch with Sanchez, he is not a direct replacement for the Chilean worldwide . Yes they are making him one of the highest players in the world - but so what? "Working with him is fun".

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"They're all but openly declaring civil war. President Trump tells me to figure it out with the congressional leaders", Schumer said Saturday, according to CNN.

Can a public message from the WH comment line be considered slanderous?

This is really something.

Was Trump dictating the message when they took that ridiculous picture of him at the desk?

"U.S. American taxpayers should NOT be paying for a "political message" (addressed to us) coming out of the White House", said Twitter user @animaeme.

On Sunday, Sanders tweeted, "Democrats can shut down the government, but not the booming Trump economy, millions of new jobs, low unemployment for women, blacks & hispanics, tax cuts for families and businesses, ObamaCare individual mandate repeal, or winning campaign to defeat ISIS". "Honestly I think [the shutdown's] a good thing for us, because people see through it". The program known as CHIP became an unshakeable pillar for the Republicans throughout the budget drama, and Democrats were hard-pressed to reject such a universally accepted plan.

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