Yet-to-be-released White House infrastructure plan published

A replica of Trump's infrastructure plan simply reportedly leaked — right here's what's in it

A replica of Trump's infrastructure plan simply reportedly leaked — right here's what's in it

A work site stands next to the Brooklyn Bridge on February 16, 2017 in New York City. One-third of roads are in poor condition, 56,000 of the 612,000 bridges are structurally deficient, and 14,000 of the 83,000 dams in the U.S. have "high hazard potential".

The news website Axios on Monday published what it said was a leaked draft document laying out the White House's infrastructure plans.

A leaked draft of the White House's infrastructure plan has surfaced over at Axios, and although specific funding numbers are not attached, the document offers the first details in what has so far been a fairly confusing process.

"While no concrete figures have been provided, Trump has consistently cited a "$1 trillion" spending figure, with $200 billion coming over 10 years from the plan's implementation and the remaining $800 billion coming from states and private industry.

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Half of the appropriations in the leaked plan will go toward an "infrastructure incentives" program giving federal grants to state, local or private entities.

A quarter of the money would seek to improve infrastructure in rural areas by incentivizing investment in transportation or utilities like water treatment and broadband.

The plan would put 7 percent of appropriated funds toward Federal Credit Programs, and 5 percent to Federal Capital Financing Fund, to improve access to federal loans for infrastructure. For example, one suggestion is to allow "states flexibility to toll on interstates and reinvest toll revenues in infrastructure".

One obstacle for the infrastructure improvement, which both parties agree is an important issue, is the timeline for approving projects.

A key detail of the plan is that it prioritizes "projects associated with new, non-federal revenue", transportation expert Yonah Freemark writes, with that accounting for 70 percent of the scoring criteria.

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