A sharp turn for the flu season

Death Toll Due To Flu Now Stands At 184 In Arkansas

Death Toll Due To Flu Now Stands At 184 In Arkansas

Flu deaths have risen to 201 in SC, but the state's department of health says the illness is beginning to slow down.

"There were a significant number of cases this year, and outbreaks, and so we're still managing those", said Dr. Jason Cabaj, medical officer of health for the Calgary zone of Alberta Health Services.

It's estimated around 500 Kiwis die of flu-related causes each winter, but the officially recorded number is only a fraction of that figure.

A woman in her 60s, with underlying medical conditions, also died as a result of complications related to the flu. Mask said he still recommends getting the vaccine even past the season's peak. Although the doctor thought her symptoms were atypical of flu, a lab test came back positive for the A strain of the influenza virus, she said in a telephone interview. There are likely more flu-associated deaths across the state, Mask said.

He explained that for a pandemic to happen, there needs to be a "dramatic shift" in the flu virus - something we can expect to see roughly every 20 to 40 years.

Most of the season has been dominated by the influenza A virus known as H3N2 that health officials say tends to cause more illness than other flu viruses.

The total of confirmed deaths from pneumonia and flu in MA during the fifth through seventh week of flu season is around 365.

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"Ultimately, developing a universal influenza vaccine that provides protection against many different strains of flu from year-to-year would be ideal". The H3N2 strain of the virus was most common statewide, responsible for nearly 70 percent of all diagnoses.

According to WIS, the total number of flu cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in sc dropped in the last week.

For the fourth week in a row, there was a decrease in the number of doctor visits for flu-like illness, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Friday.

"Anytime I walk into a patient's room, any time I walk out, I wash my hands (and) sanitize them", he said.

Get a flu vaccine.

This particular strain of the virus tends to be more severe, especially for children and the elderly.

And this season has been a good reminder that it's worth making the effort to get a flu shot at the beginning of each fall.

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