Alan Cumming Reveals Role as King James I in Series 11

Alan Cumming

Alan Cumming

Jodie and her co-stars Mandip Gill, Tosin Cole and Bradley Walsh recently filmed scenes in south Wales alongside extras who looked suspiciously like they were in period costume.

Actor Alan Cumming has revealed he will be guest starring in Series 11 of Doctor Who. When asked if he plays a villain, Cumming replied, "Like a nice baddie".

He said: 'I'm about to go and do an episode of Doctor Who. "I'm so excited", Cumming divulged on an installment of the Homo Sapiens podcast, hosted by Will Young and Christopher Sweeney.

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Cumming - who next stars in the upcoming CBS drama Instinct - shared that he will be playing King James I, whom he described as "a dandy, foppy character who becomes alright in the end". "They said he might come back". James I, who was originally James VI, was the son of Mary, Queen of Scots.

This being a prominent member of the Stuart family, who was the first king after the passing of Elizabeth I, there's little doubt that the story will at least touch on the fact that the Doctor was married to Liz at one point.

In a tweet from a year ago, Cumming laid to rest rumors that he had been offered roles on the favorite BBC sci-fi series multiple times.

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