Costco Selling Apocalypse Food Survival Kits

Costo Now Sells an All-Pastel Doomsday-Prepper Food Kit

Costo Now Sells an All-Pastel Doomsday-Prepper Food Kit

Rising sea levels and a presidential porn star sex scandal could be signaling the end of days for us humans. If your answer isn't "I'm willing to spend $5,999.99 on a Nutristore 1-Year Premium Food Kit so my family of four can survive the apocalypse", then maybe you should ask yourself why you even pay that $60 annual membership fee. We can't rule out such a possibility with leaders of a few countries, especially North Korea threatening to use a nuclear weapon in case of an attack from another country.

'Packaged discreetly for privacy in shipping, ' the pallets are created to feed a family of four for a year.

As previously mentioned, the Costco preppers can go for a little as $999.99, as that price will get you 96 cans and feed one person for a year on a diet of 1,200 calories per day. Buyers can expect such delicacies as freeze-dried broccoli and dehydrated apples, which can last up to 25 years. Yum...

In the protein category, bacon and chicken TVP are listed alongside beans and legumes (black beans, lentils, pinto beans and instant refried beans) - TVP stands for textured vegetable protein, and is in fact a meat analogue.

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It also creates a so-called guardian programme enabling some teachers and other school employees to carry guns. Hours after Scott signed the bill into law, the NRA filed a federal lawsuit challenging the legislation.

Of course you like 30-count variety packs of SunChips and four-pound-sized tuna cans, but as a Costco member, how truly committed are you to the concept of bulk purchases?

Gotta hand it to the mega-retailer on the rather un-ironic marketing.

Costco apparently wants to make sure you're ready for any major emergency. The best-preserved of these products expire in 30 years, so buying the kit honestly suggests a pretty glass-half-empty view of civilization. On, there's now only one kit option: Chef's Banquet. As one might expect, people on Twitter have some thoughts.

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