Death Toll Rises To Nine In Kabul Blast

Security & Crime

Security & Crime

Afghan officials investigate the site of a suicide bomb attack near a Shi'ite mosque in Kabul, Afghanistan March 9, 2018.

The Ministry of Interior's deputy spokesman Nusrat Rahimi told TOLO news that the explosion took place close to Mosalla-e-Mazar, the hall where a gathering was held to mark the death anniversary of Abdul Ali Mazari, former leader of Shiite Hazara community, who was killed by Taliban.

He said at least nine people were killed and seven others were wounded in the explosion.

Last December, dozens were killed in an attack on a Shia cultural center claimed by the Daesh Takfiri terror group, which has been growing in size and expanding its operations in the country over the past two years.

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At least seven others were wounded in the blast, he added. The attacker was stopped before reaching the main gathering of commemorators.

Little is known about the group and its capacity to conduct sophisticated attacks remains disputed, with many Afghan and Western security officials saying they doubt it works alone.

Afghanistan has been hit by a series of deadly suicide attacks in the last few months, killing over 150 people, particularly in Kabul.

The attack comes after President Ashraf Ghani at an global conference in Kabul extended an offer to insurgets for restoring talks. Mazari was killed by the Taliban in 1995. Make a donation and help pay for our journalism.

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