Ford and Alibaba have made a auto vending machine in China

Ford vending machine begins dispensing cars in China

Ford vending machine begins dispensing cars in China

The Super Test-Drive Center in Guangzhou was announced at the tail-end of 2017, although the real thing doesn't look as nice as the original renders.

When they are at the Center, customers simply verify their identity with their selfie and the vehicle they selected is delivered from the multi-story auto dispensary to the ground floor where the test drive begins.

But the structure can house 42 Ford cars and present them to prospective buyers once they par a fee needed to use Alibaba's Tmall app and share a selfie.

According to Gasgoo, residents of Guangzhou who qualify under at least two social credits systems (yes, China does rate its citizens like that), can use Alibaba's Taobao mobile app or the Tmall platform to book a test drive in one of ten Ford vehicles available, including, for instance, the Ford Mustang. The program leverages Alibaba's services and gives potential customers discounts and incentives depending upon their usage on Alibaba's ecosystem.

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However, the motorists of Guangzhou will only have a limited time to blast around town in new Ford as the vending machine will only run until 23 April.

In 2016, Alibaba sold 100 Maserati cars in 18 seconds during a flash sale on Tmall.

For the record, this isn't the first instance where the automotive and transportation industry has been witnessing vehicle dealers set up auto vending machines. Once that's done, they then have the auto for the next three days and can use it to pootle around Guangzhou. The U.S. based dealer Carvana also uses a similar method of operation and has set up a popular vehicle vending machine. Incidentally, the company had recently made it to the headlines for its plan to construct a seven-storied auto vending machine in Chesterfield.

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