GTA Online Players getting Banned after the Update

PC players say they're getting unfairly banned after GTA Online's latest update

PC players say they're getting unfairly banned after GTA Online's latest update

The update rolled out last week was supposed to bring new features and content to the game but instead, it brought a bug which resulted in many players being banned from playing the game online for 30 days.

The problem appears to only be affecting players in the PC community, with a growing thread of Reddit users reporting that they've been banned following the Southern San Andreas Super Sports Series update. It sounds like all of the bans are for 30 days without a chance for appeal, and affected players are receiving emails notifying them that they've been banned. The game's community has seen its share of ban waves in the past, but this one seems bigger than usual. The ban is happening in spite of the players using or not using the modding GTA Online. In some cases, banned players have less than 10 hours of game time which suggests a mistake or overreach on the part of whatever is moderating the game.

Rockstar has yet to officially address the GTA Online ban issue, but those reporting false bans are now being told the publisher is "aware of and are looking into the issue," so hopefully a fix is quietly in the works (a small tunables update was released on Sunday). A post on Reddit reads, "Rockstar's anticheat seems to have truly failed, as, according to a post in the GTA online discord, a user using their own anticheat detected everyone else in their session was a modder".

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Though review bombings have happened for far less in the past, this, coupled with the sheer number of reports on social media definitely point to something having gone terribly wrong. This issue only effects the PC version of the game - console players seem to be in the clear. Rockstar has not issued any updates on the issue.

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