However the company's price to cash per share for most recent quarter stands at 0. It helps you quickly get a picture of where Wall Street stands on a stock without reading huge research reports. (NASDAQ:WETF). Granite Investment Prtnrs invested in 1.46M shares or 0.92% of the stock. About 814,073 shares traded. MetLife, Inc. (MET) has risen 13.92% since March 8, 2017 and is uptrending.
WisdomTree Investments (NASDAQ:WETF) last posted its quarterly earnings results on Friday, February 2nd. "(WETF) CEO Sells $828,879.45 in Stock" was originally posted by and is owned by of The company has market cap of $1.33 billion. Ameritas Partners accumulated 9,928 shares or 0% of the stock. It worsened, as 22 investors sold WisdomTree Investments, Inc. shares while 56 reduced holdings. It has underperformed by 26.05% the S&P500. THOMAS GARY L sold 25,000 shares worth $2.42 million. The insider Abner David J. sold $262,888. CRISP CHARLES R had sold 3,411 shares worth $330,982. This represents a $0.12 annualized dividend and a dividend yield of 1.21%. D E Shaw Com holds 23,479 shares. State Board Of Administration Of Florida Retirement Sys invested 0.22% in EOG Resources, Inc. Engineers Gate Manager Limited Partnership accumulated 0.04% or 46,637 shares. Kornitzer Cap Mgmt Inc Ks invested in 0.03% or 177,000 shares. 3D Asset Management Inc. acquired a new position in WisdomTree Investments in the 3rd quarter worth $112,000. Inverness Counsel Limited Liability Company New York has 1.22% invested in EOG Resources, Inc. (NYSE:MET) to report earnings on May, 2. Bridgewater Assocs LP holds 30,610 shares or 0.02% of its portfolio. 5 have given the stock a Hold rating, 1 as Underperform and 0 as Sell. Therefore 31% are positive. Jefferies has "Buy" rating and $14.0 target. BMO Capital Markets maintained EOG Resources, Inc. (NASDAQ:WETF) on Friday, December 15. Northland Capital has "Hold" rating and $10.5 target. (NASDAQ:WETF) on Wednesday, September 6 with "Buy" rating. The stock of EOG Resources, Inc. The firm has "Hold" rating given on Thursday, August 6 by Zacks. The rating was downgraded by Bank of America to "Neutral" on Tuesday, June 28. Citigroup has "Buy" rating and $13.5 target. The firm has "Outperform" rating by Oppenheimer given on Monday, August 10. Valeo Financial Advisors LLC purchased a new position in WisdomTree Investments during the 3rd quarter valued at about $153,000. Jane Street Group LLC grew its holdings in shares of WisdomTree Investments by 705.3% during the 4th quarter.
On average, analysts expect that WisdomTree Investments will report full-year sales of $62.13 million for the current fiscal year, with estimates ranging from $253.60 million to $323.19 million. It also increased its holding in Impinj Inc by 20,501 shares in the quarter, for a total of 79,831 shares, and has risen its stake in Alaska Air Group Inc (NYSE:ALK).
Since December 15, 2017, it had 1 insider purchase, and 5 insider sales for $4.25 million activity. WisdomTree Investments, Inc. has a 1 year low of $7.87 and a 1 year high of $13.41.
For the current quarter Wisdomtree Invstmnts (NASDAQ:WETF) has average revenue estimates of $61.3 Million, a total number of 8 analysts provided estimations over revenues. WisdomTree Investments had 49 analyst reports since August 4, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. (NASDAQ:WETF) earned "Sell" rating by UBS on Tuesday, November 14.
Investors sentiment decreased to 1.14 in Q3 2017. Its up 0.05, from 1.14 in 2017Q2. 24 funds opened positions while 65 raised stakes. Tandem Diabetes Care (NASDAQ:TNDM) has a market capitalization of $35.72 Million and most recently 8.82 Million outstanding shares have been calculated. Commonwealth Equity holds 67,614 shares.
WisdomTree Investments (NASDAQ WETF) traded down $0.29 during trading hours on Friday, reaching $9.77. (NASDAQ:WETF). North Star Inv Corporation holds 398,873 shares or 0.51% of its portfolio.
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The pair, who tied the knot in 2005, sold items of clothing, accessories and furniture prior to filing for bankruptcy. According to documents filed on January 5, Lawrence sold his loan-out company, Veritas Inc .
Modern Speed! The Rimac C_Two Electric Hypercar
The auto also includes facial recognition technology allowing the driver to unlock it with just a glance. Today they are back to step things up with a brand new design; The Rimac C_Two Electric Hypercar.
Nintendo Will Be Releasing Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Port July 10
That said, everything seems to indicate that it is something that will be removed from its version for Nintendo Switch . Sane Trilogy fully remastered game offers brand-new lighting, animations, textures, models and recreated cinematics.
Several research firms recently issued reports on WETF. The stock of WisdomTree Investments, Inc.
On 6/14/2013 Peter M Ziemba, Insider, sold 50,000 with an average share price of $12.05 per share and the total transaction amounting to $602,500.00. Jefferies maintained WisdomTree Investments, Inc. (NASDAQ:WETF). Citigroup accumulated 234,796 shares. Wells Fargo Com Mn stated it has 0% in WisdomTree Investments, Inc. (NASDAQ:WETF) was bought by MacAlpine Kurt.
On 2/5/2016 WisdomTree Investments, Inc. announced a quarterly dividend of $0.08 3.14% with an ex dividend date of 2/12/2016 which will be payable on 3/2/2016.
Wisdomtree Invstmnts (NASDAQ:WETF) as of recent trade, has shown weekly upbeat performance of 0.72% which was maintained at -3.56% in 1-month period. Fred Alger Management Inc holds 5.86 million shares.
Analysts await WisdomTree Investments, Inc. The business is expected to report its next earnings report on Friday, April 27th. WETF's profit will be $10.78 million for 31.03 P/E if the $0.08 EPS becomes a reality.
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