India slams Pakistan at UNHRC for harbouring Hafiz Saeed

Indian representative Mini Devi Kumam told the UNHRC that Pakistan was committing grossest violation of human rights by exporting terrorism to Jammu and Kashmir

Indian representative Mini Devi Kumam told the UNHRC that Pakistan was committing grossest violation of human rights by exporting terrorism to Jammu and Kashmir

Speaking at the Human Rights Council, Pakistan's Deputy Permanent Representative Tahir Andrabi called upon India to stop killing Kashmiri civilians, end the impunity enjoyed by its security forces and allow unfettered access to the United Nations fact-finding team to investigate human rights violations in held Kashmir. She said India awaits credible action by Pakistan on perpetrators of Mumbai terror attack.

Kumam said the disturbances in Kashmir are caused due to Pakistan abetting cross-border terrorism in the Valley.

"Even as terrorists thrive in Pakistan and roam its streets with impunity, we have heard it lecture about the protection of human rights in India", she said.

"While Pakistan manifests itself as a self-styled advocate of the rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir, the factual situation is, that it remains an illegal occupier of Jammu and Kashmir, which has deprived the people of their political and civil liberties".

The United Nations Resolutions had directed Pakistan to withdraw its troops from the state of Jammu and Kashmir on August 13, 1948.

Mini Devi Kumam was responding to Tahir Andrabi, Pakistan's UN Deputy Permanent Representative in Geneva, who on Friday alluded to former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru to make his case for a plebiscite in Kashmir. However, it very conveniently forgets its own obligation under these resolutions to first vacate the illegal occupation of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir.

Former prime minister Indira Gandhi and former Pakistani President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto had agreed in the Simla Agreement of 1972 that the two countries would look at the Kashmir issue as a bilateral matter, which can not call for the involvement of a third party for negotiations.

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To validate the charge, she sought Pakistan's response to Hafiz Saeed's claim at a recent rally in Lahore where he pledged to continue jihad in Kashmir.

Andrabi also accused India of "crimes against humanity" in Kashmir and of escalating ceasefire violations along the line of control and the border with his country as a diversionary tactic.

"India's illegal occupation, massive human rights abuses, extra-judicial executions and economic exploitation of the territory continue to stir the Kashmiri freedom movement".

Later replying to the Indian statement, Pakistan stated that Kashmiri struggle for right to self determination could not be subsumed under the label of terrorism.

India also used the occasion to expose Pakistan's poor rights record viz-a vis minorities, including Hindus, Sikhs and Christians, as also its abysmal record on forced conversions and marriages.

She listed the various human rights violations against minorities in Pakistan and demanded remedies for them.

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