INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY | Patrick Ifeanyi Ubah Salutes Women Worldwide

Women's day special

Women's day special

The origins of International Women's Day dates back to 1910 with the International Socialist Woman's Conference suggesting the event take place on March 8.

"We celebrate today the power of activism to bring change for all women, their solidarity and the sisterhood of humanity", added the senior United Nations official.

According to Onyema, the Exchange took steps to address the lack of female representation on our National Council by electing three eminent female members at the last AGM. Global women's day is all about being aware of the fact that each individual has to work in their own way for changing face of the society.

Wherever you fall on the "activist" scale, there is so much you can do to press for progress yourself.

I encourage clubs to review their programmes to create the opportunities for women to seek leadership roles and be the champions that they can be, ever mindful of the words of Diane Mariechild "A woman is the full circle".

The occasion, which has been celebrated for over 100 years, honors the achievements of women in social, economic, cultural and political spheres, as well as calling for action to achieve gender equality.

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Ms Doucet said it is time, in 2018, to "respect the laws and principles of the time in which we live". Women's Day 2018 falls on a Thursday.

"More women are doing paid work and in senior roles in the private sector, academia, politics and in worldwide organisations, including the United Nations", he said.

The worldwide women's day tribute by the company has received a mixed reaction on Twitter.

Journalists including the corporation's chief worldwide correspondent Lyse Doucet and Woman's Hour presenter Jane Garvey stood holding sheets of paper displaying equal signs as they chanted "Equal pay for equal work". When will gender equality be achieved? We're no longer going to be harassed. "And secondly, they all, nearly entirely, in fact, said to me no one had ever asked".

He also talks about the stories of sexual violence that he heard, bringing home the reality of how women are treated differently and "are oppressed in every country in the world".

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