Is Concho Resources (NYSE:CXO) a Sell? What does UBS Think?

The shares were sold at an average price of $148.14, for a total transaction of $5,925,600.00. It has underperformed by 7.03% the S&P500.

Silvercrest Asset Management Group Llc decreased its stake in Concho Res Inc Com (CXO) by 1.21% based on its latest 2017Q3 regulatory filing with the SEC. Castleark Management Lc owns 35,370 shares. The oil and natural gas company reported $0.66 earnings per share for the quarter, topping analysts' consensus estimates of $0.46 by $0.20. The stock increased 0.07% or $0.07 during the last trading session, reaching $95.57. About 1.26 million shares traded or 1.67% up from the average.

In a research note sent to investors and clients on Wednesday morning, UBS analyst has today has begun coverage for Concho Resources (NYSE:CXO) shares with a "Buy" rating. It has underperformed by 3.17% the S&P500. (NASDAQ:WTBA) for 52,022 shares. (NASDAQ:WTBA) for 18,939 shares.

Investors sentiment decreased to 1.14 in Q3 2017. Its down 0.04, from 1.03 in 2017Q2.

LS Investment Advisors LLC grew its stake in shares of Concho Resources Inc (NYSE:CXO) by 14.5% during the 4th quarter, according to the company in its most recent filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission. 137.75 million shares or 1.36% more from 135.90 million shares in 2017Q2 were reported. Mackenzie has invested 0.01% in Concho Resources Inc. (NYSE:CXO) for 157,945 shares.

Toronto Dominion Fincl Bank holds 0.02% in Concho Resources Inc.

TheStreet upgraded shares of Concho Resources (NYSE:CXO) from a c+ rating to a b- rating in a report issued on Tuesday, February 20th. (NYSE:CXO) or 56,398 shares. Waddell Reed Fincl Inc holds 0.11% or 378,727 shares. Intrepid Capital Management Inc sold 122,200 shares as the company's stock declined 0.75% while stock markets rallied. Concho Resources has a 1 year low of $106.73 and a 1 year high of $162.91. Dimensional Fund Advisors LP now owns 1,213,337 shares of the oil and natural gas company's stock valued at $159,823,000 after acquiring an additional 377,438 shares during the period. Tributary Cap Mngmt Limited Liability Com has invested 0.12% in Concho Resources Inc. (NYSE:CXO). British Columbia Invest Mngmt has 102,613 shares. Frontier Invest Mgmt holds 2,009 shares or 0.02% of its portfolio.

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Concho Resources Inc is an independent oil and natural gas company engaged in the acquisition, development and exploration of oil and natural gas properties. (NYSE:CXO). Citadel Ltd Liability Co has 0.03% invested in Concho Resources Inc. (NYSE:CXO) for 305,381 shares. (NYSE:CXO). Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania School Empls Retrmt Sys owns 21,564 shares or 0.04% of their USA portfolio.

Since January 2, 2018, it had 0 insider buys, and 1 sale for $603,480 activity.

Among 28 analysts covering Concho Resources Inc. Royal Bank of Canada set a $167.00 price objective on shares of Concho Resources and gave the stock a buy rating in a research note on Wednesday, December 20th. Therefore 61% are positive.

Concho Resources Inc is an independent oil and natural gas company engaged in the acquisition, development and exploration of oil and natural gas properties. (NYSE:CXO) rating on Tuesday, October 6. Glovista Investments Llc bought 45,517 shares as the company's stock rose 20.33% with the market. (NYSE:CXO) has "Buy" rating given on Friday, August 26 by Citigroup. Jefferies maintained Concho Resources Inc. On Tuesday, January 12 the stock rating was downgraded by Jefferies to "Hold". Concho Resources had a return on equity of 3.61% and a net margin of 36.97%. (NYSE:CXO) on Monday, September 18 with "Buy" rating. They set a "hold" rating and a $171.00 target price on the stock. (NYSE:CXO) on Thursday, July 13 with "Buy" rating. Us Bancorp De accumulated 6,074 shares. (NASDAQ:WTBA). Rhumbline Advisers owns 0% invested in West Bancorporation, Inc. Its down 0.15, from 0.88 in 2017Q2.

Several institutional investors have recently made changes to their positions in CXO. 103 funds opened positions while 495 raised stakes. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.30, a current ratio of 0.51 and a quick ratio of 0.50. Hendershot Invs invested 0.09% of its portfolio in Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE:WFC). Moreover, Ubs Asset Mgmt Americas has 0.9% invested in Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE:WFC) for 17.97 million shares. The Rhode Island-based Washington has invested 1.11% in Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE:WFC). Asset Mngmt reported 13,007 shares. Fred Alger Mgmt Inc accumulated 50,854 shares or 0.01% of the stock. Jfs Wealth Advsr Lc owns 6,735 shares. (NASDAQ:WTBA). Legal And General Public Limited Company reported 4,191 shares. 15,700 are owned by Alliancebernstein Ltd Partnership. Evercore Wealth Mgmt Limited Liability invested 0.29% of its portfolio in Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE:WFC). Glenmede Trust Na reported 615 shares. Eight analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating, fourteen have given a buy rating and one has assigned a strong buy rating to the company. Therefore 8% are positive. The firm has "Neutral" rating given on Wednesday, June 21 by Seaport Global. As per Tuesday, July 18, the company rating was maintained by Cowen & Co. The stock has "Overweight" rating by Piper Jaffray on Monday, August 22. (NASDAQ:SYNT) earned "Hold" rating by SunTrust on Tuesday, October 17. The stock has "Sell" rating by Zacks on Wednesday, September 2. The stock of Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE:WFC) has "Buy" rating given on Monday, January 11 by Goldman Sachs. Morgan Stanley has 64,855 shares.

In related news, Chairman Timothy A. Leach sold 40,000 shares of the company's stock in a transaction that occurred on Tuesday, February 6th. RBC Capital Markets maintained Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE:WFC) rating on Thursday, July 27. Stifel Nicolaus has "Buy" rating and $160 target.

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