Lawmakers backpedal on pension bill, send it back to committee

West Virginia House to create 100 districts of equal size

Numerous changes are similar to those made to public retirees in 2013, when future employees were put into a cash balance plan. "It won't be fun, but can we do something to bring us all back together for united we stand, divided we fall". Bill Landen, R-Casper. "It's been a long and arduous process".

Another $12 million to $15 million collected from auto tag fee diversions would go into that fund, Lamar said. "So, the legislature would appropriate those funds to projects along the Coast". In the House, lawmakers favored an approach with modest cuts and revenue diversions. Thayer then announced the Senate would recess for about 35 minutes before adjourning, allowing time for floor amendments to be filed on the bill. Kathy Vetter, WEA President, said, "We are grateful for the work of many legislators, particularly in the House, who have steadfastly fought for public schools".

Jones dismissed questions about a potential state government shutdown as premature, with the current budget in effect until June 30 and new two-year cycle beginning on July 1.

The Senate was under pressure to pass a bill to address the issue after a year of salacious stories and scandals.

Justice has said a one-day special session to deal with the budget is a possibility.

Senate Appropriations Chair Bruce Burns gave Senators an overview of the compromise on Thursday.

A package that aims to both harden schools and change Florida gun laws passed the state House just two days after it was approved by the Senate.

The Florida Legislature this week passed a bill that raises the minimum age to purchase rifles, boost spending on mental health programs and creates a three-day waiting period.

Not everyone seemed to think that was a wise strategy.

Republican Gov. Rick Scott hasn't said if he'll sign the bill.

Aide to Trump campaign faces grand jury
Sam Nunberg said Saturday that he now believes Mueller's probe is "warranted" - after spending six hours being grilled about associates of President Trump , according to ABC News.

Unchanged Bangladesh opt to bowl
The management have done a wonderful job at training sessions. "This result shows how good we are as a team ", Chandimal said. It is also a must-win game for Bangladesh as another loss will make it very hard for them to make the final on 18 March.

15 security personnel killed in Taliban attack in Afghanistan
Defense Ministry spokesman Dawlat Waziri said only four members of the Afghan special forces had been killed and a number wounded. Afghanistan has seen a surge in attacks in recent months, with militants often targeting state security forces.

He said he didn't understand the wisdom of doing it one way in 2019 and another way in 2020. Passing the House this week with a 66-25 vote, HB 202 now goes to the Senate or its consideration.

"Yeah, that's frustrating", he said.

Abortion. House Bill 454 would ban an abortion procedure known as a "D & E" for women who are at least 11 weeks into their pregnancy except in medical emergencies. Nonetheless, Reeves lauded the House for moving the bill, proposed in February, along.

Meanwhile, the 19-year-old former student accused of opening fire at the school on February 14 made his initial appearance before a judge on 17 attempted murder charges added this week by the grand jury.

In other words, each chamber could kill the other's education bill.

Lawmakers chose to move school finance and major maintenance out of the budget bill. House Finance Committee Chairman Eric Nelson, R-Kanawha, reported the cost for raises for all state employees at $111 million. "People above my pay grade are going to negotiate that".

Teresa Chaulk, the superintendent of Lincoln County School District No. 1, said that was the rumor going around the building Thursday.

The final report of the State House and State Senate conference committee is set to take place March 26th.

"Our caucus members want to have a full discussion about the implications of the bill", Stivers said.

"We're coming a little closer to a budget".

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