ME lawmakers to open investigation into child death

Marissa Kennedy

Marissa Kennedy

A legislative watchdog panel voted Friday to investigate Maine's child welfare system and, separately, the handling of cases involving two girls who were killed allegedly by family members since December.

The Legislature's Government Oversight Committee has unanimously authorized an investigation into Child Protective Services's response to child abuse complaints prior to the death of two ME children.

"The system has clearly failed her". Roger Katz, R-Augusta, co-chairman of the committee, said Friday.

State Sen. Bill Diamond said during the meeting that there are kids being tortured right now and the only reason we don't know about it is "because they're not dead yet". Hymanson said the recent deaths of 10-year old Marissa Kennedy, of Stockton Springs, and 4-year old Kendall Chick, of Wiscasset, suggests that the system created to protect children may not be functioning properly. A more time-consuming report on Maine's child welfare system will come next year.

An internal review of the state's actions already is underway.

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Democratic Rep. Patty Hymanson, of York, asked for the investigation.

Julio and Sharon Carrillo, of Stockton Springs, are both charged with murder in Marissa's death. The Carrillos admitted taking turns beating the girl for several months and tried to make her death look like an accident, authorities said.

Shawna Gatto is accused of beating Kendall Chick to death late a year ago.

LePage blamed Kennedy's death on DHHS, entities that are required to report suspected child abuse such as schools, and law enforcement agencies. In both of the child deaths, the specific charges allow jurors to consider a lesser charge of manslaughter.

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