Merriam-Webster Adds Slew Of Millennial Favorites To Dictionary

New Dictionary Words | March 2018 | Merriam-Webster

New Dictionary Words | March 2018 | Merriam-Webster

Especially if you associate it with the town motto of The Simpsons'Springfield - "a noble spirit embiggens the smallest man", a line attributed to purported town founder Jebediah Springfield - as seen in the 1996 episode "Lisa the Iconoclast".

Merriam-Webster recently announced the addition of 850 words to their dictionary.

Teacher Edna Krabappel then remarks, "Embiggens?" "I never heard that word before I moved to Springfield".

The dictionary defines embiggen as "to make bigger or more expansive", and notes that its usage is "informal" and "humorous". It's a perfectly cromulent word.

Both coinages instantly became running inside jokes among fans of the show. The writers of The Simpsons coined the words "embiggen" and "cromulent" for that episode, deliberately intending them to sound like words but to have no clear definitions.

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So no complaining about how Merriam-Webster is contributing to the collapse of society.

Mansplain: to explain something to a woman in a condescending way that assumes she has no knowledge about the topic.

There is always something for word lovers when we add entries to the dictionary, but this time there's actually a new word meaning "word lover" among them: wordie, patterned after other words denoting enthusiasts such as foodie and groupie.

First, he says, there's a reason that certain older food and drink like "Arnold Palmer", as well as "Shirley Temple", which was only entered a few years ago, feel so late: they must meet the three categories of "widespread, sustained, and meaningful use".

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