National buzz over Wisconsin candidate's campaign ad

During her time as a state representative Roys helped pass legislation that protects a woman's right to breastfeed in public without being asked to move or cover herself

During her time as a state representative Roys helped pass legislation that protects a woman's right to breastfeed in public without being asked to move or cover herself

A Democratic candidate in Wisconsin's gubernatorial race released a campaign ad showing her breastfeeding while detailing her efforts to ban the use of Bisphenol A in baby bottles and sippy cups in the state. "They knew the baby was going to be there and they knew I was going to be taking care of the baby sometimes".

Roys said the moment was unscripted, and the two-minute video is likely the first time a political candidate has nursed on camera, according to Travis Nelson Ridout, a political science professor at Washington State University.

"Government should be about helping every person achieve his or her potential - and Wisconsin used to do it so well".

In the ad, Kelda Roys talks about her effort to pass legislation that prohibited the use of the chemical, known as BPA, while she was in the state Assembly; as she describes her legislative activities, her husband hands their daughter to her and she begins to breastfeed.

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"That's definitely something new", Ridout told the State Journal.

Acknowledging that internet trolls have come out of the woodwork over the ad, Roys told the Huffington Post that reactions have mostly been positive.

What does Roys say to people who say she should maybe stay home instead of run for office? "Of course, there have been some haters and internet trolls... but the story of 2018 isn't about internet trolls. The story of 2018 is about women rising up".

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