NC State receives subpoena for records

NC State has reportedly been subpoenaed by a grand jury in the FBI's ongoing investigation into corruption and bribery in college basketball.

N.C. State received a grand jury subpoena to turn over records from the Southern District of NY on January 17, Fred Demarest, a school basketball spokesman, confirmed to ABC11's Mark Armstrong on Friday. The contents of the subpoena request are confidential.

October 20, 2017: The News & Observer requested from N.C. State any electronic communication between N.C. State employees, athletic department staff and N.C. State board of trustees members and the NCAA that mentions Dennis Smith, Jr., and the federal investigation into payoffs to players and college coaches and assistants.

According to a report by Yahoo Sports published on February 23, Smith's name appears on a spreadsheet obtained by authorities itemizing payments to players from schools across the country. Smith allegedly received a payment of $43,500; however, other documents indicate that DSJ received a loan of over $73,000.

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Several former NC State basketball coaches were also referenced in an email from ASM associate Christian Dawkins to Miller. The school's Office of General Counsel received the request, which is in conjunction with the FBI's investigation into college basketball.

Indictments were issued against 10 people, including Dawkins, executives at Adidas and college assistant coaches Chuck Person of Auburn, Lamont Evans of Oklahoma State, Emmanuel Richardson of Arizona and Anthony Bland of Southern Cal.

This story will be updated as more information becomes available.

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