No Anchorage flight delays from East Coast storm

Strong winds, rain, flooding expected to hit Boston Friday

Strong winds, rain, flooding expected to hit Boston Friday

Gov. Andrew Cuomo said approximately 271,000 New Yorkers were without power on Sunday.

The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority said disruptions may occur due to flooding, high winds, fallen trees, and power failures.

The National Weather Service has announced a winter storm watch for New England from Wednesday afternoon to Thursday evening, with a possible accumulation of 6 to 12 inches of heavy snow.

Temperatures climbed into the mid-40s Saturday though the whipping winds remained.


American Airlines had to cancel 617 and delay 241 flights, while Delta Airlines announced 317 cancellations and 339 delays and Southwest 213 cancellations and 773 delays, explained. On Friday and Saturday, the East Coast got walloped by a nor'easter that left 2 million homes and businesses without power at its peak, grounded thousands of flights, halted Amtrak trains on the Northeast Corridor and caused massive flooding to coastlines.

High winds were also causing havoc across the region. Snow showers and coastal flooding were expected in parts of upstate NY and New England on Sunday as another, much weaker storm arrives and mingles with the bomb cyclone, nicknamed "windmageddon" for the widespread damage and power outages caused by its strong winds.

Dozens of MA schools remained closed Monday, most in coastal areas south of Boston, the region which bore the brunt of the storm.

Flight lands after woman tries to open door in midair
Passengers intervened to take down a woman who attempted to open an airplane cabin door during a flight to Boise Monday morning. The incident happened onboard SkyWest flight 5449 from San Francisco to Boise.

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Advertisers pull ads from InfoWars' YouTube channels
The real concern for advertisers now, however, is how reliable the platform is as well as its control over what ads end up where. Some also said they explicitly blacklisted InfoWars channels, but didn't realize how many channels the company actually had.

In other pockets, the storm dropped large amounts of precipitation, including heavy snowfall, or its winds pushed in seawater during high tides, inundating bayside neighborhoods.

Several flights have already been canceled at Lehigh Valley International Airport and Philadelphia International Airport.

Almost 100,000 utility customers in Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island were still without electricity Monday, and commuter trains continued to experience delays. Minor to moderate flooding is expected in Nantucket, the weather service said. In higher elevations near Los Angeles, snow totals of up to 18 inches are expected.

Southeastern Massachusetts will most likely experience a mix of snow and rain. Infrastructure took a big hit in coastal communities, including Hampton Beach and Rye New Hampshire, where roads were washed out. Some locations reported as much as 5cm of wet snow. The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) continues to work with municipalities and state agencies to plan for the remainder of this storm and coordinate assistance for the cleanup efforts to come.

Just weeks again this same area was hit with a record-breaking storm at the beginning of January and this could be the second record-breaking storm of the season.

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker said he had called in the National Guard and urged caution and vigilance. MA emergency officials said tides "will be astronomically high" in the next few days.

In addition to the flights, railways also halted services on Friday.

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