Oscars 2018: Kumail Nanjiani's The Big Sick loses to Get Out

Lupita Nyong'o and Kumail Nanjiani use Oscars speech to make epic dig at Donald Trump

Lupita Nyong'o and Kumail Nanjiani use Oscars speech to make epic dig at Donald Trump

Lupita Nyong'o and Kuimail Nanjiani presented an award at the 2018 Oscars on Sunday night, and immediately joked that their names are hard to pronounce. Extending support to the "dreamers" in the country, Nyong'o at Oscars 2018 said that she and Nanjiani were two actors whose names people had trouble pronouncing.

'Kumail Nanjiani is my stage name. So, you can imagine how annoyed I was when the other, when the white Chris Pine showed up.

Donald Trump's immigration reforms is threatening "dreamers" who moved to United States looking for better life. Dreams are the foundation of Hollywood, and the foundation of America.

Kumail Nanjiani and Lupita Nyong'o presented the Oscar for Production Design (which went to the team on The Shape of Water) with a political message.

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Trump in September announced he was disbanding Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) ― which protects undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S.as children.

Lupita Nyong'o while presenting Oscar Award together with Pakistani-American stand-up comedian/actor Kumail Nanjiani.

'We are the two actors you keep hearing about but whose name's you can't pronounce, ' began Lupita. So to all the dreamers out there we stand with you'. "And dreams are the foundation of America". "Now, the nominees for achievement in production design", Nanjiani concluded.

Their comments come amid an ongoing immigration debate in the USA over a programme that protects hundreds of thousands of young immigrants from deportation.

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