Reynolds: Ending NAFTA could be 'devastating' for Iowa farmers, manufacturers

Chief US lawmaker encouraged steel tariff indemnity for NAFTA allies

Chief US lawmaker encouraged steel tariff indemnity for NAFTA allies

Campaigning will begin "in earnest" next month for Mexican presidential elections on July 1, while the provinces of Ontario and Quebec will hold elections this year and the USA will have a congressional mid-term vote, Lighthizer said.

US, Mexican and Canadian trade experts leading efforts to draft new rules for auto content under a revised NAFTA trade deal aim to meet next week, Mexico's chief negotiator Kenneth Smith said on Saturday. They have trade barriers that are worse than tariffs. Canada's Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland, speaking at the briefing, said there's been solid progress toward a deal. President Trump continues to hint at withdrawing from NAFTA because of what he perceives as an unfair trade balance between the USA and other countries. But if I do make a deal which is fair to the workers and the American people, that would be, I imagine, one of the points that we would negotiate, there will be tariffs on steel for Canada and for Mexico, so we'll see what happens.

The Trump administration has justified imposing tariffs on grounds that imports of steel and aluminum represent a threat to USA national security. "The impact that that would have on that state-and really states throughout the country, but I'm focused on Iowa-would be devastating".

Is Marcus Rashford's place in England's upcoming World Cup squad under threat?
It's led to reports suggesting England manager Gareth Southgate is growing concerned at the situation. Romero is Manchester United's reserve goalkeeper but is first choice for Argentina.

Tutor, 80, charged after young girl sexually assaulted
Sivalingam Vallipuram, 80, of Toronto, has been charged with sexual assault, sexual interference and sexual exploitation. Peel Paramedics said the female victim was located with life-threatening injuries and was pronounced dead at the scene.

SpaceX will launch its Falcon 9 with a spanish satellite early Tuesday
Since its launch in June 2010, the Falcon 9 became a reliable workhorse for SpaceX's reusable and recycled rocket program. The March 6 launch will be 50th rocket launch by SpaceX in its eight years of being in the industry.

Northam said that since NAFTA was enacted, Virginia forestry and agriculture exports to Canada have grown by 475 percent, while exports to Mexico have grown by more than 1,300 percent.

"Our president has been clear about our second objective - NAFTA has resulted in a huge trade deficit for the United States and has cost us tens of thousands of manufacturer's jobs...the agreement has become very lop-sided and needs to be rebalanced", stated Lighthizer.

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