Save the 8th campaigners expecting thousands at pro-life march today

Retain Rally Dublin

Retain Rally Dublin

The rally attracted people from all over the country and some from overseas.

Abortion has always been a divisive issue in once stridently Catholic Ireland where a complete ban was lifted only in 2013 when terminations were allowed in cases where the mother's life was in danger.

A march and rally in favour of retaining the Eighth Amendment took place in Dublin city centre today.

The pro-life marchers met at Parnell Square at 2pm, before making their way down O'Connell Street to Merrion Square, where a rally featuring speakers calling for the retainment of the eighth amendment was held.

A representative of Rachel's Vineyard Ireland, a "support group model for counselors, offering a very concrete, emotional experience for women who were grieving the loss of their aborted children", said: "I have a dream that in my lifetime many women will stand with me and admit that they had abortions and that they regret it".

Spokesperson Niamh Ui Bhriain says the government has got it wrong about the referendum. If the Irish people vote to repeal the law, the government said it would introduce unrestricted access to abortions during the first trimester.

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Pro-choice campaigners, however, have long called for abortion legislation to be changed, and a year ago a special cross-party parliamentary committee and citizens' assembly both recommended repealing the amendment.

The Republic of Ireland has a near total ban on abortion.

In the event that the Eighth Amendment is repealed, Minister for Health Simon Harris said his department will propose free contraception to reduce crisis pregnancies, according to the Irish Times.

The repeal group, Together for Yes, told RTÉ it wanted to highlight that an average of nine women travel from Ireland to Great Britain for an abortion every day.

Dr Siobhan Donohue said disability is not an issue in the calls for abortion rights and that tests to detect disability are carried out later in a pregnancy than the proposed 12-week limit.

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