Scientists Found More Than a Million Rare Penguins in Antarctica

Ученые случайно наткнулись на 1,5-миллионную колонию пингвинов

Ученые случайно наткнулись на 1,5-миллионную колонию пингвинов

Last Friday, the collective data was published, revealing that the expedition discovered an estimated 1.5 million penguins nesting in the area, all with the help of a drone.

In 2014, Heather Lynch, professor of ecology and evolution at Stony Brook University noticed penguin droppings on Antarctica's Danger Islands, thanks to NASA imagery provided by the administration's Mathew Schwaller.

In a welcome surprise for conservationists, scientists have announced the discovery of a previously unknown "supercolony" of Adélie penguins in Antarctica. This specific region was not known to be an important penguin habitat but the satellite imagery suggested these dark spots were guano stains, pointing to a very large concentration of the flightless bird.

The researchers say the massive colony was unknown not just due to the islands' remoteness, but also because the waters around them are risky and hard to navigate, with chunks of sea ice lingering well into the Antarctic summer.

The penguins managed to go undetected for so long because the islands where the birds live are so hard to access that, even in the summer, ice-filled waters surrounding the islands make human visits too treacherous.

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Hanumant Singh, professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at Northeastern University, helped develop the drone's imaging system and explained it could take a picture once per second as it flew in a grid pattern.

Once those massive images are available, the team used neural network software to analyze them, pixel by pixel, searching for penguin nests autonomously.

"You can then stitch (the images) together into a huge collage that shows the entire landmass in 2D and 3D", he said in a statement. As well as being the largest population of this species of penguin on the Antarctic Peninsula, these animals seem to have not suffered the same decline in numbers seen in similar populations on the opposite, western side of the peninsula. "Food availability? That's something we don't know".

Researchers believe the penguins were undiscovered for so long because of how remote the islands are, as well as being surrounded by thick sea ice and treacherous waters, WHOI said.

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