Scott Baio's Wife Renee Diagnosed with Brain Disease

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Renee Baio revealed on Twitter on Saturday that she's been diagnosed with Microvascular Brain Disease, two and a half years after being diagnosed with a meningioma brain tumor.

A fan tweeted to her inquiring about her health and she replied, "Besides having 2 meningioma brain tumors, in Oct 2017 I also learned I have Microvascular Brain Disease".

Renee Baio, 45, was previously diagnosed with two brain tumors back in 2014.

Baio, 57, confirmed the news in a heartfelt retweet of his wife's post about her diagnosis.

Scott responded by saying, "Unfortunately, this is true".

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According to health news site, Healthline, "Microvascular ischemic disease is a term that's used to describe changes to the small blood vessels in the brain. Toughest person I know", he wrote.

"Renee has been down some rough roads in her life, yet each time with her strong faith in God, she comes through a better and stronger person", Baio shared of his wife in a Facebook post at the time. "This new disease can cause strokes and dementia", he added.

In an interview with "Good Morning America" to defend himself amid the accusations, Baio pointed out that the most hard part of the controversy was having his wife and daughter caught up in it.

The Baios have advocated to raise awareness for diseases before: After their daughter was misdiagnosed with glutaric acidemia type 1, a rare metabolic condition, the couple created the The Bailey Baio Angel Foundation to raise awareness and promote legislation to make screenings mandatory at birth.

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