Spotify is cracking down on modded versions of its Android app

Spotify is cracking down on modded versions of its Android app

Free accounts get a limited version of the true Spotify experience, and have to tolerate frequent ads - unless users fire up hacked apps that serve up the full Spotify Premium service without having to pay.

Spotify's apps could be hacked so users could make use of the service without paying, and now the firm is cracking down on that, shutting down apps which use modded Spotify apps and sending emails to users of said software. The notice also warns that continued detection of the activity could result in the account being suspending or terminated.

Spotify is suggesting that those who are using modified apps that have been disabled merely uninstall them and download the proper application from the Play Store.

The unauthorized apps allow users to skip ads and usage limitations and instead use Spotify at its premium functionality. Seeing that there is nothing stopping these people from simply opening a new one using a different email address. Currently, Spotify has 159 million active users, with 71 million of those being paid subscribers.

Under no circumstances would we normally advise users to go with the latter option, and now there's even more reason to steer clear of hacked Spotify apps.

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The streaming giant, which just announced plans to float on the stock exchange, is disabling "unauthorised" or "modified" versions of the official Spotify app.

It advises users their account is safe, but the offending apps must be uninstalled and the official, undoctored client installed in order to access the music streaming.

Now on Android, users can download a modded version of the Spotify app known as Dogfood.

The company generated almost $5 billion in revenue in 2017 (4.1 billion euros), versus $3.6 billion in 2016.

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