Stormy Daniels Pounds People on Twitter

Stormy Daniels Pounds People on Twitter

Daniels is now locked in a legal battle with Trump over an alleged affair back in 2006.

CNN anchor and talk radio host Michael Smerconish got Stormy Daniels attorney Michael Avenatti to reveal that at least ten individuals have come forward with offers to cover any financial repercussions resulting from the former porn star telling her full story about President Donald Trump in spite of a "hush money" settlement negotiated by Trump attorney Michael Cohen.

Cohen, who says he used personal funds to "facilitate" the payment, has denied that the money came from the Trump Organization or the Trump campaign, leaving open the possibility that it came from Trump himself.

An arbitrator last week upheld an agreement between Daniels and Trump lawyer Michael Cohen that requires her to keep mum about her relationship with Trump.

Cohen also admitted to using his Trump Organization email account to communicate about the money transfer to the 38-year-old porn star, NBC News reported, citing sources.

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Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) filed complaints with the Department of Justice and the Office of Government Ethics over the payment, asking them to investigate whether Trump purposely didn't report the payment on his public financial disclosure report.

Daniels' lawyer said, "We may see that". "This included when communicating with his own bank".

The first, dated October 26, 2016, was sent to Cohen's Trump Organization email address by Elizabeth Rappaport, assistant to Gary Farro, senior managing director at First Republic Bank.

"Has anyone offered, has anyone, including Larry Flint, but I want to ask this in universal sense, has anyone offered to pony up the million dollars to protect her and say "here, I'm good for it, go tell your story"?"

Colbert then asked if there was any truth to the "rumors" she was not now living in the White House.

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