The Best and Worst Places in the U.S. for Women

Study calls Louisiana worst state in country for women

March is Women's History Month and IL has been named one of the best for women.

That's either an indication of how great Minnesota is or how poor 49 other states are. It looked at 23-categories including women's healthcare to finances.

For health and safety, stats on the number of uninsured women, women's life expectancy at birth and female homicide rates were included.

California didn't rank as high on the list as some may think, coming in 19th overall.

When it came to economic factors, MA made it to the top 10 for a few factors.

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When it came to health and safety, MA - known as a hub in the medical world - excelled.

Surprisingly, it doesn't crack the top five in a state strength: voting.

"In 2018, women in some parts of America still get the short end of the stick - even as they outnumber men in most states", according to the report.

The entire report also found that women fare better in "blue" states.

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