13:39At Least 10 Reportedly Killed, 88 Injured in Protests in Nicaragua

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At least 10 people have died and scores more are injured after anti-government protests broke out in Nicaragua.

At the National Agrarian University in Managua, a student protester lost an eye in clashes after riot police arrived to quell the demonstration.

Demonstrations rocked the capital Managua and nearby cities for a third day.

Protests began Wednesday after a new law was signed increasing tax contributions and cutting pension income in the social security system.

"We are against these reforms, which means we're against this government taking from the pockets of Nicaraguans", said Juan Bautista.

The demonstrations come after years in which the opposition claimed electoral fraud and other malfeasance by the government, but without street protests reaching such magnitude or intensity.

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"These moments are tragic and painful for all our people, for the entire country", Murillo said Friday.

Students from Polytechnic University (UPOLI) have been holed up on their campus since Thursday evading police. Other students took refuge in nearby buildings or residences. Independent TV stations say they have been taken off-air after broadcasting the demonstrations live.

She compared the protesters to "vampires demanding blood to feed their political agenda".

Dozens more are believed to have been wounded or arrested based on video broadcasts, in days of unrest the likes of which has become rare in the Central American nation and which elicited a heavy-handed response. "It's unclear. We don't know whose side [the victims were on], whether they were in favor or opposed", said Lisseth Guido, a spokeswoman for the Red Cross of Nicaragua.

She also said demonstrators were attacked by government supporters in the city of Masaya.

In a Facebook post, Channel 15 director Miguel Mora called the action by President Daniel Ortega's government a "clear violation of freedom of the press".

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