Abbasi in London to attend Commonwealth meeting

Narendra Modi next week will become the first Indian prime minister in almost a decade to attend a meeting of the heads of Commonwealth nations

Narendra Modi next week will become the first Indian prime minister in almost a decade to attend a meeting of the heads of Commonwealth nations

Australia, Canada and New Zealand have rallied to support Britain as the country recrafts its global trade policy.

Federal Minister for Commerce and Textile, Mohammad Pervaiz Malik is an on official visit the to United Kingdom from 16th to 18th April, 2018 to attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting and Commonwealth Forum.

There is still the view in Britain and the Commonwealth Secretariat that there is the potential for further trade and investment expansion within the Commonwealth.

With the Commonwealth India looking for new areas of cooperation, and India providing an momentum to global strategic and economic growth.

It aims to promote greater trade within the Commonwealth nations, now estimated at USD560 bn.

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The government signalled its intention to work with industry to develop alternatives and ensure a minimum of disruption to businesses.

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According to Wilder, any number above 70 should be considered overbought and any number below 30 should be considered oversold. The blue-chip average ended fractionally below its 50-day moving average, which it hasn't closed above since March 9.

Mrs May, who is hoping to secure a free trade agreement with India after Britain leaves the European Union, said: 'Our trade partnership is showing how we can remove barriers to increase trade between our two countries'.

There are also three days of parallel forums on Business, Women, People and Youth, with Gibraltar participating in all four groups, led the Deputy Chief Minister.

The objective of this forum is to affirm high-level support and direct top-level policies for gender equality and women's rights, for women to be given the opportunity to interact with leaders and for the Commonwealth's commitments to gender equality to be positioned high on the agenda for Heads of Government. Witnessing this great gathering of seventy-one countries and territories and meeting their athletes in the Games Village was, above all, a moving reminder of the strong and affectionate bonds which we all share. The Commonwealth Secretariat did make a presentation on its 2015 trade study at a forum in Jamaica in 2016.

And so, Ladies and Gentlemen, I pray that this Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting will not only revitalize the bonds between our countries, but will also give the Commonwealth a renewed relevance to all citizens, finding practical solutions to their problems and giving life to their aspirations.

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