About 36% Britons Support, 40% Oppose Western Strikes on Syria

Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May attends a Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting Youth Forum in London

Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May attends a Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting Youth Forum in London

The U.K.'s military intervention in Syria was clearly "in our national interest to prevent the further use of chemical weapons in Syria", Prime Minister Theresa May said Monday.

It is thought President Bashar al-Assad's regime had been stockpiling materials used to make chemical weapons there, it said.

May is expected to tell the Commons, what she said last week, that bombing Syria was in Britain's "national interest" to prevent future chemical attacks "within Syria, on the streets of the United Kingdom or elsewhere" as she invokes the Salisbury poisonings as justification for the UK's participation in the US-led strikes.

The 54-year-old general, who left the Syrian army and joined the opposition Free Syrian Army (FSA) after he said he was ordered to carry out a number of chemical attacks on civilians, has maintained contact with officials inside Syria who share intelligence with him.

Earlier, the prime minister's spokesman said May "deeply values the contribution made by these and all Commonwealth citizens who have made a life in the UK".

The Violations Documentation Centre (VDC), a research group based in Syria that documents violations of worldwide law, believes that Bashar al-Assad regime forces are responsible for the chemical attack on April 7 that killed over 75 people and injured hundreds more.

"And a wider operation to hide the facts of the attack is underway, supported by the Russians".

Ahmet Uzumcu, director-general of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, said Monday that the organization's team "has not yet deployed to Douma", two days after arriving in Syria.

"The fact that such an atrocity can take place in our world today is a stain on our humanity".

After Syria strikes, Britain's May to face critical parliament
The bombings marked the biggest intervention by Western countries against Assad and ally Russian Federation . There is no reason to believe that the "overall erosion of the use of chemical weapons will change".

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Down Under in Australia, it's been well represented by the Falcon. You read it here first yesterday, and today we can confirm it .

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Any joint statement is not expected to include economic cooperation with the North, Im said. Kim reportedly invited Xi to North Korea during his visit to China in late March.

Corbyn will on Monday ask the Speaker to grant an emergency debate, that is likely to lead to a vote, which will scrutinise May's judgment in authorising the airstrikes along with France and the US.

Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the main opposition Labour Party, called the air strikes "legally questionable" and accused Ms May of "following Donald Trump's lead".

And Green Party co-leader Caroline Lucas told attendees that Brexit was "not inevitable", adding: "We'll do everything we can in Parliament for a people's vote". The same poll said people were split equally in answering whether the government was right not to seek permission from the parliament prior to the airstrikes jointly held with the US and France.

He said: "It is not Charles Xavier standing here in front of you - although I can assure you that if he was, he would have voted Remain". "We have done it because we believe it was the right thing to do - and we are not alone".

Chuka Umunna, MP for Lambeth, which had the highest Remain vote in the country, said: "We need more Conservative members of Parliament to be as courageous as Anna and many others who defied the whip and put their country before their party".

And many of those who say they would have backed the action if they had been given a say, did express irritation that they had not been given a voice, even though in some cases that came alongside support for the attacks themselves.

Some French opposition leaders have criticized the strikes, saying they were not legitimate. A desire to control immigration was a major factor for many who voted in 2016 for Britain to leave the bloc.

In Luxembourg, the foreign ministers of the 28 European Union countries called for a political breakthrough involving regional players to put Syria on track to a peaceful solution for its seven-year conflict.

Yesterday, Syrian chemical weapons facilities were bombed by the UK, US and France - as punishment for a suspected poison gas attack.

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