Analysts Showing Optimistic Trends For Spirit Realty Capital, Inc. (SRC)

The institutional investor held 16,633 shares of the fluid controls company at the end of 2017Q4, valued at $1.13 million, up from 8,271 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Springowl Associates Llc who had been investing in Spirit Rlty Cap Inc New for a number of months, seems to be less bullish one the $3.58B market cap company.

SRC stock traded up $0.01 during midday trading on Friday, hitting $7.98. About 14.37M shares traded.

Spirit Realty Capital, Inc is a self-administered and self-managed real estate investment trust (REIT). Since April 14, 2017 SRC has declined 23.56% and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 27.43% the S&P500.

Pax World Management Llc increased its stake in Texas Instruments Inc. The company's stock declined 10.89% with the market as Marathon Asset Management Lp bought 550,000 shares. The company has its outstanding shares of 102.52 Million. The stock decreased 2.00% or $2.08 during the last trading session, reaching $102.16. It has outperformed by 15.81% the S&P500.

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Big Money Sentiment decreased to 0.97 in Q4 2017. However the six-month change in the insider ownership was recorded 1.84%, as well as three-month change in the institutional ownership was recorded 0.15%. It turned negative, as 32 investors sold SRC shares while 86 reduced holdings. 125 funds opened positions while 589 raised stakes. Creative Planning reported 10,758 shares or 0% of all its holdings.

Spirit Realty Capital, Inc. was covered by a number of analysts recently, 3 rated the stock as Buy, 10 rated Hold, 0 rated sell and 0 gave an Underperform. (NYSE:SRC) is 49.039414. This ratio is found by taking the current share price and dividing by earnings per share. The Return on Investment (ROI) ratio of Spirit Realty Capital, Inc. Lvw Advisors Limited Company holds 0.97% in McDonald's Corporation (NYSE:MCD) or 19,273 shares. Oakworth Inc holds 9,186 shares or 0.22% of its portfolio. Parkside Fincl Bank Trust accumulated 0% or 161 shares. Sg Americas Secs Llc, New York-based fund reported 31,858 shares. Westpac stated it has 0.18% in Spirit Realty Capital, Inc. (NYSE:SRC) for 119,768 shares. Stratos Wealth Prtn Limited accumulated 19,408 shares. Polar Asset Prtn Inc owns 127,100 shares. Legal And General Public Ltd Co, United Kingdom-based fund reported 1.53 million shares. Moreover, Private Advisor Gru Limited Com has 0.02% invested in Spirit Realty Capital, Inc. (NYSE:SRC). Ajo Lp owns 21,099 shs. Following the completion of the acquisition, the director now owns 67,929 shares of the company's stock, valued at $543,432. (NYSE:SRC). Zurcher Kantonalbank (Zurich Cantonalbank) has invested 0% in Spirit Realty Capital, Inc. The positive are 40%. V3 Cap Mgmt Lp reported 10.76% in Spirit Realty Capital, Inc. Finally, ValuEngine lowered Spirit Realty Capital from a "buy" rating to a "hold" rating in a report on Friday, February 2nd. Moreover, Tudor Inv Et Al has 0.06% invested in Spirit Realty Capital, Inc. In terms of Buy, Sell or Hold recommendations, the stock (SRC) has analysts' mean recommendation of 2.60. The firm has $11.0 highest while $8.0 is the lowest [Target]. The stock has "Hold" rating by Bank of America on Monday, February 26. The firm has "Buy" rating given on Thursday, February 22 by FBR Capital. Sandler O'Neill maintained Spirit Realty Capital, Inc. Also, Director Richard I. Gilchrist acquired 7,500 shares of the business's stock in a transaction dated Thursday, March 15th. As per Wednesday, February 7, the company rating was maintained by Cantor Fitzgerald. Mizuho upgraded the stock to "Buy" rating in Thursday, August 31 report.

Since December 11, 2017, it had 0 buys, and 8 insider sales for $5.57 million activity. On Friday, October 20 Mizuho maintained Spirit Realty Capital, Inc. $776,720 worth of Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN) shares were sold by PATSLEY PAMELA H. (NYSE:T). Greenwood Gearhart Inc stated it has 1.89% in AT&T Inc. The rating was maintained by Mizuho with "Buy" on Friday, October 20. Therefore 71% are positive. AT&T Inc. had 77 analyst reports since July 27, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm earned "Neutral" rating on Thursday, August 4 by BNP Paribas. (NYSE:SRC) earned "Equal-Weight" rating by Capital One on Wednesday, January 24. Robert W. Baird maintained Spirit Realty Capital, Inc. The market capitalization of the company is $3.62 Billion. The company was downgraded on Friday, January 22 by Suntrust Robinson. Stifel Nicolaus maintained the stock with "Hold" rating in Wednesday, November 2 report. UBS initiated the stock with "Neutral" rating in Monday, January 9 report. The firm earned "Outperform" rating on Friday, March 11 by Oppenheimer. Its up 0.11, from 0.77 in 2017Q3. It worsened, as 47 investors sold TXN shares while 383 reduced holdings. 125 funds opened positions while 451 raised stakes. Credit Suisse Ag reported 1.01 million shares. Lockheed Martin Invest Mngmt reported 8,030 shares.

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