AP EAMCET 2018 admit card to be released today

Don't be late for AP EAMCET 2018 even by a minute you won't be allowed to enter exam hall. Details

Don't be late for AP EAMCET 2018 even by a minute you won't be allowed to enter exam hall. Details

After downloading the hall ticket, candidates must check the same for their Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Category, Test Centre Name, Date and Time of examination.

Your admit card will be displayed on the screen. Candidates can log on to the official website - sche.ap.gov.in/eamcet - to obtain their admit cards. Students are advised to go through all the instructions carefully. The AP EAMCET result 2018 will be declared on May 5, 2018.

The examination for engineering courses will be held from April 22 to April 25. All the candidates must carry their admit cards along with valid photo identities to the exam centre.

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Those applicants who have still not registered for the examination can do so till April 21 with a late fee Rs 10,000. Direct link to download the AP EAMCET 2018 hall tickets, as well as steps on how to download, are provided below.

Students are advised to keep a watch as the Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE) is expected to release the hall tickets for AP EAMCET 2018 today, April 18. Students without the admit card will not be allowed to appear for the examination. The University is also responsible for conducting the examination on behalf of AP SCHE.

The board has decided that it will not be mailing the admit cards to the registered candidates via post or mail. In case of any discrepancies, the aspirants immediately should contact the AP SCHE help desk.

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