APNewsBreak: California rejects border duties for troops

California rejects Trump’s request for National Guard troops on border

California rejects Trump’s request for National Guard troops on border

Jerry Brown rejected terms of the guard's initial deployment to the Mexican border; a state official said nothing was decided.

"The governor determined that what we asked for is unsupportable, but we will have other iterations", Ronald Vitiello, U.S. Customs and Border Protection's acting deputy commissioner, told reporters in Washington.

After weeks of negotiating Governor Jerry Brown agrees to send 400 troops along California's border. "And the California National Guard will not be enforcing federal immigration laws".

Brown said Tuesday that Washington's tough stance against immigrants in the country illegally is "just an inflammatory football that very low-life politicians like to exploit".

The full deployment would almost triple the size of the California National Guard's transnational crime program, which now has 250 members, about a fifth of whom are at the U.S. -Mexico border.

It's unclear how long the Guard personnel will be needed for the mission, Vitiello said, explaining that that the goal is to achieve "operational control" of the border, an end-state that involves the CPB's ability to detect and deter individuals from crossing the border illegally.

"The federal government has not yet responded", Keegan said in an emailed statement.

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Not all of the troops will be headed to the actual border, officials said.

Brown said Tuesday that he is interested in finding a compromise. "So, at some point that might come together". Drawing that line will likely prove hard because the Border Patrol combats illegal immigration but also drug smuggling and other crimes.

In a letter addressed to federal officials this past Wednesday, California Governor Jerry Brown announced he would accept federal funding to send 400 national guard troops to the border to "Supplement the staffing of its ongoing program to combat transnational crime".

The Democratic governor cast his decision as a welcome infusion of support paid for by the US government to fight transnational criminal gangs and drug and firearms smugglers.

California now joins Arizona, Texas and New Mexico, where Republican governors quickly agreed to the Guard deployments with fewer strings attached and deployed about 2,000 of their troops to the border.

All of the National Guard troops will assist with ground and aerial surveillance, road and vehicle support, and administrative and mechanical support, said Vitiello.

The border mission could require up to 4,000 Guard personnel, but Pentagon officials now see a need for about 2,000 Guard members, said Robert Salesses, deputy assistant secretary of defense for Homeland Defense Integration. General Daniel R. Hokanson, the National Guard Bureau's vice chief. "California National Guard service members shall not participate in the construction of any new border barrier", the order reads.

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