Apple's new recycling robot Daisy will rip apart iPhones

Apple's Daisy robot loads iPhones for dismantling

Apple's Daisy robot loads iPhones for dismantling

It is a well-known fact that Apple loves to tout how green their products and operations are, which is why it doesn't come as a surprise to learn that Apple has a robot called "Daisy" that has been designed specifically for recycling iPhones and can work at speeds of up to dismantling 200 iPhones per hour.

The massive robot, which Apple says can tear apart iPhones at a rate of 200 per hour, is able to separate the various internal components of an iPhone and sort them into easy-to-access piles.

As for the robot Daisy, she is the successor to Liam, which launched in 2016.

Daisy will live only in the Austin facility for now, but that doesn't mean just Texans can recycle their iPhones.

Apple has issued a press release announcing that from today through April 30th, the company will make a donation to Conservation International for each device turned in for recycling through Apple's GiveBack program.

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"At Apple, we're constantly working toward smart solutions to address climate change and conserve our planet's precious resources", said Lisa Jackson, Apple's vice president of Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives, in a statement. Customers will still get credit for use at the Apple Store for eligible trade-ins.

As part of the Earth Day promo, Apple is donating to the non-profit Conservation International everytime someone brings in an old iPhone to the Apple store for recycling. Liam was revealed in 2016, but now, his old parts are being used by Daisy, which is ironic, since Daisy's objective is to recycle old iPhones.

With Earth Day on the way, companies everywhere are touting their recycling and clean energy accomplishments.

Finally, notifications are being sent to Apple Watch users today announcing an Earth Day fitness challenge. Those that manage it will receive a special achievement and unique stickers that can be used in iMessage.

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