Ariana Grande performs debut of 'No Tears Left To Cry' at Coachella

Kevin McHale

Kevin McHale

Kevin first had everyone talking last month when he maybe probably came out on Instagram by posting a picture of himself holding hands with another guy along with a single emoji as the caption.

A few weeks ago fans interpreted a photo shared to McHale's nearly 1 million followers on Instagram as his coming out.

The actor, who starred on the musical series as Artie Abrams for six seasons, publicly addressed his sexuality for the first time amid rumors that he's dating actor Austin McKenzie.

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"#NoTearsLeftToCry is gayer than me and I ACCEPT", McHale wrote. He portrayed the young activist Cleve Jones in the period piece, which chronicles the struggles of LGBTQ people during our civil rights movement. He didn't tag anyone in the photo, but celeb-watchers were sure the other hand belongs to McKenzie, best known for his portrayal of Melchior Gabor in Deaf West's Broadway revival of Spring Awakening. There also weren't any words describing his sexuality ... until now.

Now the Glee actor finally put his cards on the table with a tweet praising Ariana Grande's new single "No Tears Left To Cry," which dropped today.

The 29-year-old star has also received positive comments after coming out on Twitter. Especially if Ariana Grande's music is the soundtrack.

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