Arizona PTA Pulls Backing of Ducey's School Funding Plan

The legislation introduced by Republican Sen. Steve Smith was set for a Monday Commerce and Public Safety Committee hearing but was delayed until Thursday for changes

The legislation introduced by Republican Sen. Steve Smith was set for a Monday Commerce and Public Safety Committee hearing but was delayed until Thursday for changes

Beth Simek, the organization's president, told Capitol Media Services this afternoon that said her own research showed her that there is no way Ducey can finance both the raises and restore capital funding without cutting other needed programs. "However, the way the legislature and governor are dealing with it isn't", Aguilera said. "The women and men who work so hard to educate our children at our neighborhood public schools have earned a meaningful and sustainable pay increase that's based on a real revenue source, not smoke and mirrors".

Organizer Noah Karvalis says the group is "preparing for all options right now".

Arizona educators and school employees fueling the teacher-led #RedForEd movement have voted in support of a walkout - an unprecedented action aimed at pressuring state leaders to act on their demands for more education funding.

Results are expected late Thursday. Arizona teachers pursued that change on Tuesday when they began their three days of voting.

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Mr Antoniolli said the council's predicament only arose because its waste collection contract was up for renewal. That deal would only have been possible if the contamination rate dropped below 25%.

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A separate, non-legally binding document setting out the parameters of the future UK-EU relationship will sit alongside it. This would remove the possibility of a hard border in Northern Ireland , but it is opposed by hardline Conservative MPs.

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Mr Corbyn said: "This is a shameful episode and the responsibility for it lies firmly at the Prime Minister's door". Some arrived on their parents' documentation and never formally applied for British citizenship or a passport.

Teachers staged so-called walk-in protests Wednesday morning outside schools in communities such as Glendale, Phoenix and Peoria.

Potentially more significant, one goal of that press conference was to convince teachers to vote against a strike.

The walkout vote comes after Republican Gov. Doug Ducey offered teachers a 20 percent raise by 2020. Reasons behind the rejection are because the plan only covered teachers and not other school staff such as counselors, nurses, bus drivers and more. Flagstaff Unified School District officials say they won't make an official statement on Friday's school plans until after the teacher's announcement.

The potential for Arizona educators to walk out en masse is causing some confusion about how school districts would respond.

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