Ban on most cars in Central Park coming this summer

Central Park will be car-free except for

Central Park will be car-free except for

Cars will be banned from Central Park beginning this June, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced on Friday.

"Our parks are for people, not cars", he said in a statement. Traffic would be banned on all roads south of 72nd Street that cars, pedestrians and cyclists now share.

The city had already closed all of the park's drives north of 72 street to vehicular traffic in 2015, and enacted a full ban in Brookyn's Prospect Park earlier this year. Today we take it back.

Cars will no longer be allowed to drive on the streets in the park below 72nd St., where motorists are now allowed to drive during certain hours of the day, according to the Daily News.

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West Drive is now open to cars from 8 to 10 a.m., Center Drive/East Drive from 7 7 p.m. and Terrace Drive, or 72nd Street Cross, from 8 to 10 a.m.

The transverse roadways at 97th, 86th, 79th and 65th Streets are not affected by these changes.

Advocates have been pushing for a car-free Central Park for decades, said Transportation Alternatives executive director Paul Steely White. The mayor says that the ban win begin on June 27th, because it is the day after the last day of school for NYC Schools students.

De Blasio's office declined to comment to the Daily News.

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