Battlefield V Battle Royale Mode in the Works

Epic Games

Epic Games

There have been sources that indicate that the Battlefield V prototype looks to have the same structure as any other battle royale out there. Why?

"DICE is investigating how a massive, last player-standing mode would work with its current mechanics", writes the website. Thus, imagine an FPS conflict with 100 players dropped onto a map and you'd be in the ballpark.

What's less certain at this time is how DICE will get the mode to work.

The big question is whether PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds and Fortnite Battle Royale will be able to stand their ground against the upcoming onslaught of Triple-A Battle Royale games and modes. "The studio has not yet approved its battle royale for release, and it is still in the prototype phase". The plan seems to be to first develop the system and then add it to the game after the fact as a free download.

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To be fair, there's also no official word that Battlefield V is coming out this year.

Lately, it feels like everyone and their mother wants to get in on the battle royale goodness. DICE has been known to update its shooters with additions in the past, including the new Night of Endor mode available in Star Wars: Battlefront II, as well as the debut of its popular Conquest mode in previous Battlefield games. A modern-day Battlefield title with a battle royale mode might suffer somewhat from the presence of advanced weaponry.

What's even more unclear is how EA might choose to implement battle royale.

In hindsight, this is all just speculation until DICE officially confirms a battle royale mode for Battlefield V.

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